Freemasonry is a puzzle for the Evangelical People. Being the largest secret society in the world, with nearly six million members today, Freemasonry has a long history intertwined with Protestantism - especially in Britain, Europe, the United States (with 4 million members) and Brazil [1]. At the same time, the fraternity salmon days is proud to have members of the elite of the world, whether in the past [2] or this: from Voltaire, Mozart, Goethe and Garibaldi, up to several nobles of Europe - including the King and Queen of Sweden Elizabeth II (Grand patron of British Shop) - and fourteen Presidents of the United States (Johnson, Ford, Reagan, etc..). George Washington, the first president of the United States, was a Freemason Grand Master, being considered one of the most loyal fans of all thirteen colonies of his time. It is no coincidence that the ballot of the U.S. dollar, salmon days which has the portrait of Washington, brings the pyramid, the triangle, the eagle and other Masonic symbols along with NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM words (sic, "new order of the ages") [3 ]. The fact that thousands of evangelical pastors and lay people around the world are part of the Masonic lodges, salmon days and that large philanthropic projects are administered by them [4] suggests that this company only offers good, and to promulgate values and teachings Christians.
Moreover, as some scholars contend, Freemasonry, although not call themselves salmon days religious, discloses an essentially anti-Christian philosophy. Underlying the fellowship salmon days and charitable efforts, there is not a program manifesto advocating a syncretistic religion, denying the Divine salmon days Person and saving work of Jesus Christ, and in connection with the occult claims. Freemasonry was rejected as antithetical to the Christian Faith by Roman Catholics [5] and the Oriental Orthodox Churches and Russian [6]. More recently, several Protestant denominations are reassessing the involvement of its members in the Masonic society, reaching surprising conclusions: salmon days
In our view, total obedience to Christ precludes joining any organization, such as the Masonic movement, which seems to require full fidelity to herself ... It is required from the start that he delivered to Freemasonry and the Christian must surrender to Christ alone. (The Church of Scotland, 1965) [7]
Even on the most generous interpretation salmon days of the evidence, remain serious questions for Christians about Freemasonry ... There is a great danger that the Christian who becomes a Freemason stop compromising their Christian faith and their faithfulness to Christ, perhaps without realizing what you're doing. Consequently, the Methodist people, our orientation is that the Methodists should salmon days not become Masons. (The British Methodist Church, 1985) [9]
We feel that there is a great danger that the Christian Mason runs pledging their allegiance to Jesus, perhaps without salmon days realizing what you're doing ... The obvious conclusion we reached in our research is that there is an inherent incompatibility between Masonry and the Christian Faith. (The Baptist Unions of Scotland, Britain and Ireland, 1987) [10]
While various denominations in North America have already renounced Freemasonry [11] the largest evangelical church in the United States, the Southern Baptist Convention - which has a high rate of Masonic members - is in research salmon days on this issue process, and it is known Fearing that the results can divide the denomination. Founded or not, these concerns should alert the traditional Christian denominations, including the Christian Mason, to the fact that maybe there are basic elements of the Masonic Lodge that are questionable. Freemasonry thus raises tensions and questions that are not always easily resolved.
International Masonic Congress salmon days in 1899, it was stated that the fraternity took center stage in all revolutionary movements in the world in the nineteenth [12] century, including Brazil. In most of Latin America, as seen in the stories of Simon Bolivar, Carlos Alvear, San Martin and Francisco Miranda, Freemasonry and semi-Masonic societies provided clandestine structures to plan and fund the revolutionary struggles salmon days for independence. [13] in Brazilian history, despite ambiguities about when the true Freemasonry began, by 1800 there were several Masonic organizations with inspiration - how Inconfidências Mining, Rio and Bahia - which contributed greatly to national autonomy. Later, with the field of English Freemasonry (or Masonry Blue, advocating parliamentary royalism) about the French (or Red Masonry, defending democracy), [14] the emperor himself D. Peter I started and thus proclaimed the Grand Master of the lodge Grand Orient of Brazil, in 1822. [15] According to Masonic historian Manoel Gomes (33 ), both the liberation from Portuguese rule in Brazil