Thursday, November 21, 2013

I live in the city, there are informal organizations that assist and provide information to the nei

MYTHS AND FACTS OF LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES (3): individualistic and capitalistic at Overseas Think Tank for Indonesia
By Beni Bevly In Myths and Facts of Life in the United States (1) and (2) described the myths and facts about free schools, free money from social security and free sex. In this third article will describe the myths and facts about indivisualistik and capitalistic attitude in the United States (U.S.). This article does not intend to defend a certain party or parties cornered. With the experience and lives in two worlds, namely in Indonesia and in the United States, would be sufficient for me to personally assess how the real fact of life in American society in general two things.
Americans are very individualistic restaurant supply nyc and capitalistic. General sense of the word that captured individualiatik is that the people who belong to this group have a selfish nature, do not like each other help or mutual help and not family-oriented. Presumably this individualistic restaurant supply nyc word along with a general sense of capitalistic. Capitalistic if someone just said to put a profit in conjunction with fellow beings or other creatures. Because of the nature that is always looking for a profit, they tend to be opportunistic restaurant supply nyc and forget the human side.
Myth of American life that individualistic and capitalistic among the Indonesian community is embedded in my mind since the Junior High School (SMP), or perhaps from elementary school (SD). At school, when the teacher explains that the ideology of Pancasila is not a edeologi that leaned on communism and is not an ideology that leads to capitalism or individualism. In the statement explained that the ideology of capitalism / individualism is owned by the West, including the United restaurant supply nyc States. Capitalism / individualism and his followers are always portrayed as something bad. One of the posts on this subject can be read in, June 27, 2006).
It can not be denied that to a certain extent, the individualistic restaurant supply nyc and capitalistic myth is true. Things like this is not only found in the U.S., but also easily found in the environment where we hung out and lived alone.
To see more clearly the facts relating to the myth lives individualistic and capitalistic, let us look closely at the lives of everyday life in the society of the United States below.
First, often associated with the individualistic nature of the American people are selfish, not like mutual help or mutual help, ignorance (do not care) and did not have kekeluargaankan properties. In everyday life, including the behavior of Americans in public restaurant supply nyc places in the U.S. are found approval of the unwritten and unconscious restaurant supply nyc by their own. Approval of this behavior shows the opposite of selfishness. Many behaviors that occur in public places reflects the nature of mutual help, mutual aid, and even family-oriented. The following example.
In terms of traffic going well with vehicles or pedestrians. At every intersection that no traffic light, the driver of the car itself will stop and wait their turn. Hard to find people who play the barge. If stuck, no loud hooter which sensitize sang ear. Almost nothing is forced to use the shoulder of the road. If there are pedestrians, motorists almost always give in to them.
As a pedestrian, it is their habit to walk on the right path. Likewise, when using the common stairs and escalator, like the stairs in shopping malls. If someone is using the escalator and not running, then that person will be standing on the right side of the escalator to give way to others behind their passing through the left side.
Another example is to go out the door. In general, restaurant supply nyc Americans are going to allow people to come out first, then he entered. If behind or in front of anyone else found out about to enter, the user first door will usually hold the door for the person in or out. People are in and out with the automatic say, "Thank you."
I live in the city, there are informal organizations that assist and provide information to the neighbors who have recently moved to our city, the new comers Club. There are also Moms Club and also do not miss the voluntary organizations to maintain security called Neighborhood Watch and the STAR program. STAR is a voluntary program specifically for retirees who helped Sjariff to safeguard the environment. I myself taught Tae Kwon Do for free every Saturday morning at the park.
Still examples in the city I live, many of us here are m

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