Oh, the summer is coming to an ice cream cone is a good thing, is not it? But, let's face it: the ice cream cones suck! We need to keep spinning them all the time to prevent the ice cream melts and spread, littering (and tired) to the consumer's hand. Must have been more or less this reasoning that occurred to Richard B. Hartman, Issaquah, Washington in the late 1990s. With such a simple problem to solve, Mr. Hartman was soon to see the typically American solution: Cones of Ice Cream Motorcycles. Or, according to the abstract of the patent 5,971,829:
An innovative power receptacle for supporting, rotating and sculpting a portion of ice cream or similarly malleable food for their consumption. It consists of: a portable enclosure, one cup rotatable supported by portable and adapted to receive half white half chinese and contain a portion of ice cream or food product of similar consistency, and a traction mechanism in portable box to print spin on the glass box and serve the rotationally its contents against a person's outstretched tongue.
because the act of eating an ice cream cone has traditionally been performed by the support of a portion of ice cream usually stationary half white half chinese in someone's hand in relation to the continuous movement of lick with his tongue. The appeal of a device that basically reverses this procedure - that is, to continually move the ice cream while the tongue is held in a relatively stationary position half white half chinese - has been largely ignored.
This in itself already half white half chinese seems to make the invention of Mr. Hartman revolutionary (and perhaps even relativistic!). Continuing his argument in favor of automated cone, he states that "such a device is immensely half white half chinese entertaining, extends the natural pleasure [...] to eat ice cream and similarly malleable food, improving the experience of eating such foods for both children as well as young adults. "Moreover, half white half chinese the rotating cone can be a great artistic stimulus to the consumer of ice cream because
a rotating laptop and motorized cup provides a fun alternative to traditional methods of eating such foods and expands the typical act of taking an ice cream cone as to include numerous fun possibilities, including sculpture and modeling channels with the tongue to form shapes and interesting patterns on the outer surface of the portion of ice cream. half white half chinese
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"The most kissed of all time"
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