Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I managed to convince used kitchen equipment even a chain of restaurants is here. First, the city h

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Lawndale Community Church is the name of the church, which was in 1978, a white man named Wayne Gordon planted one black Chicago neighborhood. I promised to write a few lines about them. American church today on my way I saw a lot of interesting, but without a doubt, this community has made the strongest impression on me. Obviously this is not the faultless assembly (this is the first time they would be recognized), but something they do very well, because beautiful things unfold in their service. What I have found them, the real Christianity. Not the externalities - the black culture, rhythmic dance, ámenezés loud or visible poverty used kitchen equipment - due, but because the kingdom of God has come undeniably one of them.
Wayne Gordon sometime in the seventies, was called to minister to blacks. The poorest and most defendants appeal. He wanted to go where the dark and the deterioration of the Lord to use as salt and light of Christ now. According to Gordon Christianity is love of God and the people, that love is the most fell into to have the greatest need. So after completing his studies at Wheaton College, he took his family used kitchen equipment and moved to Lawndale neighborhood on Chicago soon. To where poverty used kitchen equipment and crime elborított everything. The sport used the point of attachment. used kitchen equipment Rented a shop space, took a fitness machine and then announced that anyone can use for free, in exchange used kitchen equipment only need to attend Bible studies. This was the beginning of a fruitful unparalleled service.
In addition to the fitness machine over time, dozens of young black convert who was then the family members of their Bible classes. After a few years this group formed used kitchen equipment the Lawdale Community Church, which is now part of the city's image determines the whole. used kitchen equipment Members of the congregation are many hundreds of people, most of them black. Gordon Wayne "Coach" (for Coach) is called, and the name fits him well. It's used kitchen equipment not just American football coach, past life, of course it matters, but because used kitchen equipment the whole character of a edzőére recalls. There is something natural Gordon hardness, without which I think he could survive in this environment, not a single day. Behind used kitchen equipment The hardness seen huge heart. The main purpose of "Coach" used kitchen equipment is to prepare the congregation of the holiness of life-and-death struggle waged. For decades disciples and train leaders for the church of God, who, like him dare to defy the evil eye, even if that should take serious sacrifices.
Gordon often emphasizes that there is not a place where he would be afraid to go in there. You can believe him. Repeatedly threatened, beaten, robbed, but he did not back down. He loves these people. He put them in his life. All murders in the district used kitchen equipment again and again breaks and moves to make the change more. And there is also a change. The congregation salt gradually to suppress the deterioration. The results prove the statistics. Slowly but surely progressing further and further back streets outcompete oblivion. used kitchen equipment Today there are black leaders in the community used kitchen equipment is prepared, together with Gordon who struggle with the healing of the district. Many of them obtained a doctoral degree in theology in practice.
A few decades Lawndale notorious part of town was little medical care. Gordon took the sick church members remote districts (eg, Wheaton) out there that ordinary care. It was not a long term solution, it formed the Lawndale Christian Health Center, where we are currently forty doctor (!) Performs used kitchen equipment professional services. The center is the pride of Lawndale. The Christian community is open to legal aid offices drowning in opaque black citizens messy affairs. Is to serve the families of incarcerated residents. In addition, open crisis pregnancy counseling centers, fitness center, club room employing youth rehabilitation center, which is one of the most spectacular and services, offering state help lines throughout the house built for those in need.
I managed to convince used kitchen equipment even a chain of restaurants is here. First, the city had only restaurant chain has not set foot in the Üvegtigrishez used kitchen equipment similar run-down burger to rule the streets. Once contacted by the Lou Gordon MALNATE Christian owned restaurant chain that somehow used kitchen equipment I would like to support the ministry. Gordon suggested that they do not give money, but to open up a part of the city of pizza. The owner lined up, so the church opened the first restaurant chain Lawndale neighborhood. Three years after its opening was a loss, but increased the prestige of the city, the restaurant has created jobs for ex-offenders, and new community

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