Sunday, February 2, 2014

The building also movie theaters, five-star restaurants cafes, playgrounds, gymnasium various depar

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The building also movie theaters, five-star restaurants cafes, playgrounds, gymnasium various departments such as to be found. In the media section of the mosque, there has already attracted food equipment service the attention of the media in Denmark.
Television studio in a mosque for the first time in Denmark and news agencies will be. The country's first and largest mosque minarets at the opening of the left. Islamic Council in Copenhagen's Norrebro neighborhood where the financing provided by the Emir of Qatar's built with a Turkish architect of the mosque, Text Aydin. Over 6 thousand 800 square meters, 800 to 1000 people at the same time that you will worship at mosques and Islamic cultural center, will offer services to the whole world news in Scandinavia Agency was established under the name of the news agency. Al-Jazeera TV studio also will be located in the cultural center, food equipment service men's and women's two-story worship section, children's play section for seniors, recreation department, a 5 star restaurant and cafeteria, gym and cinema room, library, food equipment service parking garage as part's. Construction is nearing completion, the building's opening in May, the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Queen Margrethe, a large number of representatives of political parties and will be held with the participation of senior officials. Mayor of Copenhagen Culture Carl Christian Ebbesen food equipment service funded by the Emir of Qatar will take part in the opening of a glass. City council members and the Social Democratic Party spokesman Lars Aslan Rasmussen Qatar is not a democratic country, citing the need to attend the opening of the advocates of democracy, he said.
Cultural Center of the Media Chairman Mohamed Al Maimon, the two politicians prejudiced to act is not accurate and society food equipment service divide in an effort stating that "Culture Mayor prejudiced moving, mosques and Islamic opponents provokes. This is a very dangerous game. As far as I read in Turkish newspapers all over the world who support the PKK as a terrorist organization say Lars Aslan Rasmussen also think it is not right to talk about democracy. However, we are also a part of this community. food equipment service Such a large financing need for a cultural center and get it right the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani met. But it was on us and our activities so its not going to be printing. We are in every country, in every organization, but are at a distance .. While I was in Copenhagen municipality but it did not help. Allowing the construction of a mosque minarets food equipment service and thank supporters. For example how the practices of different religions in a country like Turkey, if allowed to be so in Denmark. The building of worship, media and cultural center is a building would be intertwined, "he said. Media agency in charge food equipment service Kemal Köse Scandinavia to countries all over the world, especially Turkey, made news service stating that "all countries in the same way the Danish and Scandinavian countries will be served. Our goal is a dialogue between the country's political, commercial, social, cultural and tourism relations to increase at the same time contribute to the integration of immigrants in Denmark, "he said.
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