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US Army committed partnership Thailand. Development of vaccines for health security of Thailand. restaraunt depot Planned in conjunction with the AIDS vaccine research in Thailand. restaraunt depot AIDS vaccine research revealed HIV infection was 31 percent for the first time in the world.
Dr. Somsak Choonharas Deputy Minister of Health. Discussed the case with Dr. Kenneth Bertram, vice commander. Social development, research, medicine and medical equipment. US Army On cooperation in the development of vaccines against AIDS today (13 February 2558) that the United States Army. Research has shown a commitment to develop a vaccine against restaraunt depot AIDS. As well as provide support in the development of vaccines for health security of Thailand. The Ministry of Health And the US Army AIDS vaccine research together since 2546.
AIDS vaccine research for Phase 3 of the volunteers Thailand. Chonburi And Rayong, 16,400 were found to be effective in preventing HIV infection was 31 percent for the first time in the world to succeed in discovering a vaccine against AIDS. We strive to develop new vaccines derived from the original in Thailand. restaraunt depot To improve the performance even more. And can be used in the prevention and control of AIDS effectively. And agreeing to cooperate in the development of an AIDS vaccine next.
Mr. President, Chief of Medical lovely cloud Disease Control, said the AIDS vaccine research and development in the production of vaccines for health security of the country. Total estimated cost of US $ 113 million. Introduction to the US Army Proposed budget of US $ 27.9 million. The Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS), Ministry of Science. Preparing for the budget in the amount of US $ 20 million. For AIDS vaccine research and technology transfer restaraunt depot to the private sector who have been elected restaraunt depot to Biogen Nate Asia and the budget of the Department of Disease Control, US $ 5 million. For field research Which should have been available for about US $ 50-60 million. Prepare for from other sources such as the Bill and Melinda Gates prepared to discuss in March.
For new AIDS vaccine research. Including the development of vaccines for the stability of the country, the chances of the country. To AIDS is expected to be more efficient. And E, which is the most common species, about 90 percent of people infected with HIV in Thailand. As well as in Southeast Asia. And southern China. In this study, To the study vaccine is effective in stimulating the immune system in a higher level than the past. The experimental procedure Ethics in Human Research. And test the efficacy and safety of the 3 phases, safety, ability to stimulate the immune system. And effectiveness of vaccines using two kinds of vaccines together restaraunt depot expected to be effective in preventing infection with HIV has improved.
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