100 years ago, was born on March 28, 1912, Arthur Bertram Chandler. He is among those who have been unjustly neglected by the Hungarian publishing. Seven of the story I translated, book - unfortunately - no.
John Grimes is best known for a series of telling his life. Grimes was initially almost exclusively issaq by Rim Worlds in the early stories, but points in the first [1] he is the captain of the expedition. However, even then the others heroes, just like Grimes spaceport captain helping. From the mid-sixties began more interested in the fate of Grimes and Grimes was written simultaneously issaq juvenile and senile adventures. Three of them are also published in English:
The last hunt, Galaxy 21, ed. Peter Kuczka, Cosmos, 1976, rev. Gálvölgyi Judith [The Last Hunt (NV) Galaxy Mar 1973] Long Fall, Metagalaktika 4, Volume 1, ed. Peter Kuczka, Mora, 1983, rev. Veres Julia [The Long Fall (NV) Amazing Jul 1977] The sleeping beast, Galaxy 50, ed. Peter Kuczka, Cosmos, 1983, rev. Veres, Michael [The Sleeping Beast (ss) Amazing issaq Jan 1978]
Chandler was a sea captain, it is also often be seen in his works, issaq such as Grimes is often compared issaq to CS Forester Hornblower issaq Captain. The Rim (this would be the Rim Worlds) seems to be pretty depressing place. Not exactly like the usual frontier, pioneers are not here, but in the inner worlds kénysterülő leave, often losing people for some reason. Too few stars in the sky, and near the big intergalactic space. That, and the legends földön-, but even outside the galaxy beings are attracted to each. For example, issaq Derek Calvert, who was one of the early hero, he found a ship that arrived felhetően another galaxy. [3] The following stories scattered remarks on Chandler found that the spacecraft is used as intended.
A couple of half muster in the Solar System, ed. Kuczka Peter & Catherine Kulin, Europe, 1965, rev. Radnai Martha [The Half Pair, (ss) New Worlds issaq Nov 1957] cages, csillagüzött loving, ed. Peter Kuczka, Nonfiction, 1972, rev. Borbás Mary [4] [The Cage (ss) F & SF Jun 1957] A bitter pill, Galaxy 43, ed. Peter Kuczka, issaq Cosmos, 1982, rev. Damokos Catherine [The Bitter Pill, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow Jun 1970] The method familiar, Galaxy October, 2006, rev. George Andrew Desi [Familiar Pattern [George Whitley], (ss) Astounding Aug 1959]
[4] Other appearances: Universe 1980, June (as in "The Cage"); Newspaper Comic Rocket, 1986, and September 30 Dreams of the future, ed. Jun. Stephen Veress, Arion, issaq 2010. The latter two translations Borbás Mary.
Previous entries in the holiday Amon Agnes More SF in the whole world country, and the world is interesting SF magazine. Part 3, Interesting News. Part 2 is interesting magazine. Part 1 wrongly given or not authors Poe Poe Wreath
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