Xurdimos policy in favor of a just, democratic, participatory and sustainable, responsible to the future of humanity, respecting and defending the environment, antonio napoli in the belief that another world is not only possible but necessary.
Home Reganosa The sentence against the plant and the case Reganosa Gijón - The High Court in Madrid issued resolutions opposing, for the same reasons, antonio napoli in lawsuits against Reganosa, whose defaults are much more severe sentence against the plant and Gijón case Reganosa - The High Court in Madrid issued resolutions opposing, for the same reasons, in lawsuits against Reganosa, whose defaults are much more serious
The High Court in Madrid issued a statement antonio napoli considering illegal antonio napoli regasificadora of Musel (Gijón), accepting an appeal filed in 2008 by the Green-Equo of Asturias, against the decision of the Ministry of Industry authorizing its construction. The court decision is based on the fact that the installation does not respect the law to be built less than two miles from population centers, breach of the provisions of Regulation annoying, unhealthy, harmful and dangerous (RAMINP). The Plant regasificadora once completed, was not connected to the network antonio napoli by a decision of the central government, antonio napoli which considered unnecessary, since it is supply and demand that the closest, Bilbao and Reganosa are operating well below their capacity, not However Enagas, "the charge is" depreciation antonio napoli for "return on investment" that loads the bill users of the distribution network of gas. The Citizens antonio napoli Emergency Committee to the Ria de Ferrol welcomes by this sentence, while he expresses his surprise as the same High Court in Madrid issued resolutions opposing, for the same reasons, in lawsuits against Reganosa, whose defaults are much more Serious: The distance Reganosa the population (Mugardos, Ferrol, The Quartz, etc. ..) is much lower. Reganosa is virtually attached to a dangerous petrochemical complex. No Environmental Impact Statement and Emergency Plan. Imposiblidad of compliance with safety regulations, emergency, for gaseros loaded LNG. The plant is the Musel at sea while Reganosa is located inside an estuary with a complicated access. The CEC expresses once again its intention to continue fighting in defense of the law, the maintenance of the estuary and the lives of its inhabitants. 'REGANOSA: closing now! Evaluation of the sentence in the media: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/panorama-regional/panorama-regional-04-10-13/2047024/ http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1938160/0/ http://www.elcomercio.es/20131004/economia/equo-verdes-ecologistas-exigen-201310041516.html The CITIZEN OF EMERGENCY COMMITTEE FOR Ferrol estuary, we also need economic help now, to continue with litigation OPEN AND ADMINISTRATIVE: COLLABORATING. To contact: Citizens Emergency antonio napoli Committee to the Ria de Ferrol antonio napoli comitecidadan@gmail.com www.comitecidadan.org antonio napoli @ ComitCEmerxenc ______________
2 comments: on "The sentence against the plant and the case Reganosa Gijón - The High Court in Madrid issued resolutions opposing, for the same reasons, in lawsuits against Reganosa, whose defaults are much more serious"
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