Thursday, October 17, 2013

The regasificadora the Ria de Ferrol is less than a third of the nominal capacity that is compromis

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Home Reganosa Observatory Plant Regasificadoras LNG reports: REGANOSA is less than a third of the rated capacity has committed Observatory Plant Regasificadoras LNG reports: REGANOSA is less than a third of the nominal capacity that is committed
The regasificadora the Ria de Ferrol is less than a third of the nominal capacity that is compromised. According to the latest report ramalhos of Enagas April 2009, page 19, the regasificadora injected to the network this month 35% less than in April last year. The regasificadora worked accordingly to 29% of its capacity and the second consecutive month. Despite having the monopoly of gas supply in Galicia and the tap pipeline south (Tui), the plant regasificadora the Ria de Ferrol is not able to reach again engaged in the production process of approval of the National Commission Energy [CNE]. In these circumstances: Why regasificadora the Ria de Ferrol want to double its regasification capacity as well as doubling the damage to the estuary due to massive discharges ramalhos of contaminated seawater and the risks to the population? OBSERVATORY OF PLANT REGASIFICADORAS LNG plant in May 2009 REGASIFICADORA Ferrol has not reached in April 30% of its regasification capacity According to the latest report of Enagas April 2009, page 19, the regasificadora injected to the network this month 1097 GW.h, 35% lower than in April last year because it provided a 1678 GW.h. The regasificadora worked accordingly to 29% of its capacity and the second consecutive month. This regasification ramalhos capacity registered in April was less than a third the capacity to compromise when prosecutors sought the approval of its construction. We have to remember that this capability as low registers although closed Enagas ramalhos tap the gas that comes from Portugal ramalhos (for Tui), which has the monopoly regasificadora supply in Galicia and also were forced to accept a provision added to the - Plateau -. Measures, according to the president of Enagas, took to the floor does not "collapse". The commitment of the promoters of regasificadora was to feed four combined cycle natural gas, provide 500 million ramalhos m ᵌ year the group Tojeiro industries as well as other conventional consumption in the area. The reality is that the combined cycle or do not work n 'The Bridges nor Sabón and industries ramalhos Tojeiro Group nor know them. With this industrial landscape: Why regasificadora the Ria de Ferrol want to double its regasification capacity as well as doubling the damage to the river because of the massive discharges of contaminated seawater and the risks to the population? Transcribe article today on 24 May Journal of Ferrol: The crisis lows reduces the production ramalhos of thermal bridges Montse Mayoral accused the decline of activity in certain sectors ramalhos of Spanish industry and the increase of renewable marked an unprecedented year in three decades of history of the As Pontes Thermal d'. Production fell to levels that recognized yesterday as the director of the center, Luis Fernandez of Sabugal not remember. For more than a month earlier this year, only worked in central Endesa one of four groups of transformation. It was an unprecedented situation in the heat, a result of the economic crisis and the slowdown of activity ramalhos in the industry. Cuts in production as applied to Alcoa, to which the factory directly one of four distribution lines d'As Pontes, are the direct cause of this fact. The director of the center, Luis Fernandez of Sabugal, said yesterday that the decline in electricity consumption added, moreover, that this year came into operation more renewable energy. "Mains speaks in his report an increase of 5% power, 4,000 MW and 3,000 of them are renewable, explains the head-Endesa, is 1,400 megawatts, equivalent to the power of this center, which correspond to the energy solar. " The system always gives preference to renewable sources and, in cases of falling consumption, located at nuclear power stations or at the end of the tail. However, Luis Fernandez of Sabugal was convinced that soon there will be a rise in consumption and central d'Pontes will return to its normal operating rate, the four groups up and productions around ramalhos 10,000 gigawatt per year. OBSERVATORY OF PLANT REGASIFICADORAS LNG, May 2009 Greetings, Posted by: Ferrol CAPE-ferrol.cape @, May 24, 2009 18:56 Group university opposition to gas plants in the estuary Ferrol (Galicia) __

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