Saturday, October 12, 2013

The investment framework agreement that includes this action amounts to a maximum amount of 15 mill

The Council authorized the Board this morning the signing of the cooperation agreement between the public entity sort order and Department of Health - Galician Health Service for the development of electronic public services in the public health sort order system in Galicia with a work plan between 2013 - in 2015. This agreement is part of the Digital Agenda for Spain approved in the Council of Ministers on February as the new national strategic plan in the field of ICT.
The investment framework agreement that includes this action amounts to a maximum amount of 15 million euros, 12 of them charged to the European FEDER funds of the programming period 2007-2013, while the other three million are provided by the Department of Health .
The main lines of action of this agreement is the provision of technological infrastructure, covering both the supply and installation of IT infrastructure as associated sort order services. It is planned to include within it the technological needs of the new hospital in Vigo, and the consolidation of the electronic medical record and electronic prescription. Another of the great performances of the agreement is framed in the field of care for chronically sort order ill, through the development of IT products specifically designed to improve the care provided to these Sergas families.
In addition, sort order the agreement includes measures of diffusion measures for the management and monitoring of initiatives undertaken, and activities to promote the use of DNIe as a means of identification in SERGE.
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