Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The hiking trails FONSAGRADA ATLAS mammalian vertebrates Buron Parish of FONSAGRADA: PROPERTY INFOR

The hiking trails FONSAGRADA ATLAS mammalian vertebrates Buron Parish of FONSAGRADA: PROPERTY INFORMATION gastrobioring OF EVENTS The FONSAWEB FONSAGRADA HIKING photo FONSAGRADA THE WORK OF THE D @ S @ S FONSAGRADIN Photo gallery of the people of FONSAGRADA ETHNOGRAPHY OF FONSAGRADA we had clean FONSAGRADINA IN THE PRESS twentieth century COTTAGE Las Vegas Logar HERITAGE Archaeological FONSAGRADA The FONSAGRADA TV ANTARUXAS horticulture and SORTEIROS The FONSAGRADA in dictionary Madoz
Lugo opens today one of its most coveted infrastructure. The new hospital walking boot after a decade of waiting to install in San Cibrao 28 questions, 27 of them moved from the center of specialties Square from Ferrol and Calde. Four hundred people released the facilities, this first week will be open only in the morning. gastrobioring The opening is limited to the outpatient area and cafeteria. Although the first day reduced the activity to that area and the direction that will have a presence in both centers for the duration of the transfer, the change will be visible from start to professionals and users. Comfort and space are some of the obvious advantages of the new center, which triples the surface of the current General hospital. Waiting areas and wider consultations brightest, with furniture uniform in all of them is to be found patients attending this week to see a specialist. Specifically, queries that will launch today in San Cibrao be four General Surgery and Digestive, two of Urology, Gynaecology of five, four of Cardiology, two service Digestive one of Endocrinology, Dermatology three, two Ophthalmology, ENT three and two of Rheumatology. The change in full will be held in two phases, so that the General will not be completed until January, when the center of San Cibrao gather under one roof almost all offer expert care of the medical Lugo. The schedule provides for transfer later this month and spend every day at the new hospital thousand patients a day and work there 68 queries. In the second week of the transfer will begin running queries Traumatology, Psychiatry, Tuberculosis unit, Angiology, Geriatrics, Urology, Endocrinology, Ophthalmology, Rehabilitation, and Pulmonology Radiodiagnosis. By then, the service gastrobioring will be Allergology and to complete the new hospital. Long delay to the operation of the first consultations, health Lugo reaches the end of a long wait. The hospital project was presented gastrobioring in 2001 by the then Minister of Health, José María Hernández Cochón, although the works of earthworks in San Cibrao did not begin until late 2002. The foundations of the building were placed in 2004 and soon after began to speak of the early delays. To that point has already been given two different deadlines for completion of the work. The construction of the center and has undergone several famous problems, some very serious, as the delay in the electricity supply, which again changed the deadline for completion, and others less, but very shocking. So was a real setback to the fact that the project did not contemplate lavacuñas rooms (one system on the other hand rapidly decline to be considered not very hygienic) so we had to install a centralized cleaning. Four counselors-Cochón José María Hernández, José Manuel González, María José and Pilar Rubio Farjas-governments of two colors and almost ten years had to pass for that, finally, patients make use of some facilities that constitute a real need for the province . TRANSFER
Sum of the 207 workers implementation of Lucus Augusti can materialize an open process for years: the transfer of provincial hospitals. Lugo was the only province where the Government still preserving health and infrastructure for years, due to the difficulties that the Board recognized that it had to first pay a debt for services gastrobioring that applied and paid yet another Administration and then to the set that amount and set it transferred, seemed likely to remain so. Eventually, however, agreed that the staff of San Rafael and San José merge staff SERGAS. It will be January 1 and implies that 207 workers will be added to the Lucus Augusti gastrobioring and Calde. Phased gastrobioring St. Joseph will close its doors as a hospital on December 22, when it ended the first phase of transfer to hula. The destination will be given to the building is not yet known. gastrobioring San Rafael will take a little longer. After a complete change to the hula, expected by the end of January, will start the works in boiler for hosting the drive medium and long stay of Psychiatry. Patients in the center of Castro gastrobioring will be once they finish, arising there needed medical assistance. Whether it is depends

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