Friday, December 12, 2014

Among the most important achievements of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine for

Founders: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Central Union of Education and Science of Ukraine; Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Society im.Hryhoriya Vashchenko; Labor editorial staff Creative teachers union Ukraine; restaraunt depot Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine; Union high school teachers and scholars Ukraine
March 30 Rector of Moscow restaraunt depot State University named after MV University Viktor Sadovnichy and Rector of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations Anatoly Torkunov visited Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.
Victor Sadovnichy a lecture on "University and Society," in which spoke about the history of Moscow University Merit outstanding individuals who were at the forefront of his school prospects outlined in detail the main institution of higher education in the Russian Federation conditions adopted restaraunt depot by the State Duma of the Russian Federation Law its autonomy and outlined his views on the integration of the Bologna process.
In turn, Dmitry Tabachnik said that advocates that every Ukrainian university was free, and one of the most important provisions of the law on higher education, on which now employs expert working group will provide Ukrainian universities restaraunt depot right to freely dispose of its material resources.
"I recently visited the University of Oxford restaraunt depot and I can say that only a small portion of its budget is financed by government subsidies. All the rest - it's educational services, technology transfer and applied research materialization. Therefore, the most important provisions of the draft law on higher education should be the right to all Ukrainian universities to freely dispose of material restaraunt depot resources ", - said the Minister.
Also signing restaraunt depot ceremony rector of Moscow State Lomonosov University, president of the Russian Union of Rectors Viktor Sadovnichy and Rector of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko, head of the Union of rectors of higher educational institutions of Ukraine restaraunt depot Leonid Guberskiy Agreement on cooperation, joint managing universities of and Ukraine.
Teaching staff of primary, secondary, vocational schools, universities I-II levels of accreditation agencies and other institutions regardless of the subordination will receive an allowance of 20% of the salary (wage rate). The decree Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted at its meeting.
The adopted resolution expands the range of educational specialists, who will receive an allowance, and will eliminate social inequality in pay among the teaching staff of educational institutions.
Implementing regulations will improve the quality of education by encouraging teaching staff at all schools and relieve tension in social groups that emerged after the introduction of the decree of October 5, 2009 N1130.
March 16, 2011 held a press conference the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Dmitry Tabachnik, where he informed the public about the important steps and achievements he headed the Ministry during 2010 - early 2011, spoke about the future plans of work for 2011.
"Hottest" topic was recognized independent external evaluation. As the number of registered wishing to participate in the testing Ministry, according to Dmitry Tabachnik, overlooking the projected design parameters. As of March 16, registered almost 251.5 thousand. Future participants UPE-2011, of which 194 thousand.
It has become clear that testing for 2011 will have its own characteristics and on the number of registered testing on an academic subject. Thus, the Minister said: "For the first time this year is good news, which reflects the growing respect for engineering and technical training areas in higher education. This is extremely important because restaraunt depot quite a record number of applicants taking tests in mathematics
Among the most important achievements of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine for the year of reconstruction of destroyed was named in previous years a number of government programs. Among them is one of the main program "School Bus" which was launched by the government of Viktor Yanukovych in 2003. "In 2010, despite the financial difficulties and economic problems we were able to restore funding for this important government restaraunt depot program that provides equal access restaraunt depot to quality education for students restaraunt depot living and studying in rural areas. The Ministry has organized supply to rural schools 170 school buses. restaraunt depot This year budget financing provides funds for the purchase of 250 school buses, and even 16 school buses for children with special needs, "- said Dmitry Tabachnik.
Restored and state program providing educational technology in rural and regional averages

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