Saturday, December 27, 2014

Implementation: We took a large bottle put dry ice in the bottom and hung water. We then dipped the

Implementation: We started by putting the box on the table and put the dry ice in the bottom of the box. We got bubbles and blew it Down on the box and it was not good enough to crack bubbles so early. But then this could end. Bubbles crack at the bottom and fly and it was really cool.

Implementation: We started by taking a cooler metal which was ready to stand in cold water and squeezing it in dry ice and then came a very unpleasant sound. We did the same thing again, except now we took hot water was ready to stand long in hot water. Still was unpleasant vrga sound but now the sound was much higher than it was with cold water.
We took a bowl put dry ice above and put a candle vrga in the center vrga of the basin. What we were trying to do was kvekja the candle that was entering the basin. But it slökknaðist always matches when she reached the basin. vrga There was a lot of strange and can not was kvekja candles. The reason was that there was so much koltíoxi and suffocates it.
Implementation: We took a large bottle put dry ice in the bottom and hung water. We then dipped the cloth in soap and set the cloth over the bottle. Then formed large Soap bubble that grew rapidly. After some time you went there.

Implementation: We started putting red cabbage vrga juice in test tubes after the set with vinegar in another bottle and soap hitt.Glasið the vinegar in the pink color and the soap was green. Then put the dry ice outside, then turned back to Sapa in purple for red cabbage and vinegar was still just pink.

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