Monday, November 17, 2014

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Family replenishment of food for people in good standing will have noticed that in recent months has become more expensive meat, milk and many other food prices. Institute of Economic Research has considerably gained momentum in recent weeks, the price rally.
If yesterday paid Tartu Veeriku Konsum 2.5-liter plastic milk 7.90 percent, the beginning of the week was the same milk from the store with the receipt convertech of 6:50. But, for example, could Säästumarket beginning of the week to buy milk at the cost of the film 8:50. According to the Director of the Institute of Economic Research Marje Josing's food stores in recent weeks, the price began to rally, convertech especially in the dairy and meat prices.
Located in Tartu, Rimi yesterday, the family bought food Sven Paluäär said that in recent months has been observed primarily at the price of milk is more expensive, but the charcuterie, sausages, minced she thinks is the same price as a couple of months ago. At the same time, however, the food can not be said that the man, after all, without having to buy an expensive purse to leave, and if the goods purchased convertech are not currently authorized to cheaper products convertech to choose from.
Estonian people's incomes have fallen due to the economic crisis in 2005 and the 2006th the level of the average wage was between convertech 10,000 to 11,000 euros. Food prices, however, the stores quickly approaching year-end 2008 level, when they were most kopsakamad.
Compared to last year is estimated to cart price that reflects the four-Tallinn näidisperekonna convertech (two kids, two parents), spending one week in basic food commodities have fallen 896 864 euros to the dealer. "But this is a time when food prices fell, is now out in stores, and the prices are changing very rapidly. Prices do not rise for months or week to week, but outright days, "revealed Josing.
The main reason why the price of milk in the past two weeks, even the crown emerged, lies in the fact that the Estonian manufacturers have been able to enter into contracts for the good of Finland and the Russian market. Total milk production is exported from Estonia in recent months, nearly one-third.
Landline phones are still surprisingly popular among the people (5)
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