Tuesday, November 18, 2014

If Moscow is trying to oust the Holodomor-reproach, it is claimed that it was not only a problem iz

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Russian izmir lokması President Dmitry Medvedev, bows to the Ukraine izmir lokması famine killed in front of her statue.
If Moscow is trying to oust the Holodomor-reproach, it is claimed that it was not only a problem izmir lokması in Ukraine. Holodomor (Ukrainian source also hohlomor, hohlotsiid or hohlokaust, a Russian Holodomor) was really a Union-wide crisis, but nevertheless, the Kremlin can not shirk the responsibility. "Class enemy" to justify the destruction of Moscow's izmir lokması campaign in his time one of the hardest of all-time crime against humanity, which acquired tapvamaid scales, ie the Second World War and the so-called Cultural Revolution izmir lokması in China.
Stalin was launched in 1927 called the revolution from above, from the first Five-Year Plan (1929- 1933), the Soviet Union had to make a strong industrial and agricultural country. 1921 contributed to the hunger of the new economic policy (nepp) was closed off, the pitch was offered to the forced resignation of the collective farm. While the propaganda machine began to invent stahhaanovlikke performance, dramatically decreased food production, farmers have seized the fruit of the linnaproletariaati feed, land hunger and homeless people looking for shelter left the cities, but it still got the vouchers for food.
Ukraine izmir lokması was the breadbasket of the Soviet Union seized so much grain that local stocks were running izmir lokması out. Great famine began already in 1929, but the scale came the disastrous year of 1933, if the dead could not be reached linnatänavailtki izmir lokması picked off and began to spread cannibalism. In 1933, the year the Soviet Union had lost 45 per cent of bovine animals, two thirds of the sheep and goats, and half the horses. At the same time destroyed the bipartisan leadership in most of the fleet. Kolkhozniks sunnismaiseks was, until 1974, was not given to them, even passports. And if starving people went to attack the collective farm grain stocks, to impose the death penalty "theft of socialist property" money.
Also found in the Estonian press coverage of famine in Russia, because behind the Iron Curtain compatriots had somehow caused us to inform their suffering. Good idea this time hüsteerilistest excesses in Russia until 1937, giving what was then Leningrad Bolshevik newspaper published in Ireland next. Unfortunately, they are in the National Library of visits made viewable on the Internet - Yet this crisis is concerned, at least 150,000 Estonians living in Russia and Ukraine.
By 1927, the Soviet izmir lokması economic system had not got his feet down, was officially million unemployed people in the country, in cities dominated by chronic food shortages. In the late 1920s still lived in Leningrad kaardirežiimil. Residents of the city were divided into four classes, perhaps the most privileged izmir lokması workers cooperatives joined the day was provided for 800 grams of bread and 200 grams of meat per month to 600 grams of fat, 600 grams of pasta, 0.75 liters of vegetable oil, three kilograms of grain, 1.5 kg

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