08.08.2011 Martin hid [Maremäe] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 00 '14.39 "22 44' 51.28" WGS84 dd mm.mmm: 59 0.2399 resturant equipment '22 44.8547' dd .dddd: 59.003998 22.747578 L-Est: 428 033 6541233 Maps: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: Hiiumaa Difficulty: 1.5 hiding place, a landscape 1.5 Size: Small
This time the treasure is simple resturant equipment and works well for Ireland (the industry) know the history of human soovivaile be highlighted and become a nice puhkuseaardeks. The coordinates lead Kärdla former cloth factory built above the square area where there are wonders for everyone. The container has become very dear to a small box with four ears, which unfortunately resturant equipment did not come to look for bartering as a treasure DIY thing went a little fast - moving to hide it does not store the accessories worn over an hour. The coordinates are accurate according to the Land Board. If necessary, please maskeeringuelemente to the proximity resturant equipment of the place. Joy of working for you!
Kärdla-Woolen Hiiumaa (Dago-Tuchfabrik Kertel) was founded in 1829 and was brought to a large manor in 1830, and the brothers Konstantin Eduard von Ungern-Sternberg's over Kärdla. Woolen Kärdlas were favorable conditions for the harbor a place of pure river of water, and plenty of local building materials. Kärdla and around the Hiiumaa decisively influenced the development of the factory grew very quickly. The first gave powered by a 36-horsepower steam engine. 210 workers were employed there in 1830, 1880 770. Kärdla already turned its 2,000 inhabitants, this time a significant center.
In 1844, the factory became the founder's grandson, Robert von Ungern-Sternberg Eginhard cloth factory workers resturant equipment to build houses, and then lend to the appearance of other Kärdla was at that time in Ireland are different from the industrial town - small detached houses on tiny plots.
1908, a time of economic crisis engulfed the factory in Narva manufactory Kärdla and although he still acted until 1941, when it was lit, when the World War II Soviet resturant equipment troops left the island of Hiiumaa, was not achieved resturant equipment more in the past.
Square erected a memorial to the factory in 1982 Kärdla baize, authored by Mati Karmin. resturant equipment Granite mounted on a hollow-cut image of symbolizing the tent fabric. Underlying the stone attached to a copper plate is a bas-relief of a new factory building was completed in 1873, with a four-storey hiigelkorpus was at that time one of the most prominent industrial houses in Estonia. However, the face of the factory operated from 1830 to 1941.
Square Nuutri the factory along the river bank of the tall chimney of the building - 1949 cloth factory paint the walls of a house built for power. In 1977, this diesel conserved. Today, there will be the occasional exciting events.
Long house (light green) resturant equipment on the other end is a square located in a single building, which lived many decades Kärdla Baron, later a factory Directors. After the war began here in the county and the district executive committee, but now Hiiumaa Central Library. Long Beach Park is located behind the house. Here was once the Swedes Cemetery, which was replaced by Baron Kärdla were founded by the park. People called the place did wear long Paruniaia name.
InseneeriaSeeria or InSe is a series of treasures which are more or less related to science and engineering that seeks to introduce a bit wider public. It can be extremely diverse mixed residential, visited both places, treasures the severity, size and type. Therefore, do not charge too much to worry about - affordable persistence should continue humanitarian bohemian professional engineer. Hopefully you will enjoy your treasures to the same extent as the planning and hiding myself! Good find!
Nearest Treasures: Kärdla - 0,38km TB-Hotel Forums - 0,73km Tõrvanina - 3,47km Paluküla resturant equipment Church - 3,76km Airport FLY IN - 4,58km B & B13 of the Cross Mountain - Desert 5,77km - 5,78km Ando-Liisa - 8 , 17km curvy forest - 8,58km Malvaste Chapel - 9,56km
August 22, 2014, and Jan took Erle [kriau]
If the last time I did not get to look hakatagi because of the great downfall came back, this time we came to just put the box back, when it came another volley, which was hiding nearby cafe. Thank you for demonstrating resturant equipment the on historical, immediately went to Hiiumaa museum study of this length! EVEJ
July 20, 2014 was Reigo [Reix]
Treasure found quickly. Classic peitmisstiil did not give a reason to look for a long time. Treasure the content was a bit musty and damp log. The evening itself was, however, pleasantly quiet and cool under the hot summer in Estonia. Aardeotsingule before dinner at one of the nearby days of his celebrity increasingly distant resturant equipment from the cafe but did not provide a great experience.
The treasure was on the ground and the inside moist. Dried him and put it right where I thought it should be, but if this is the right place, do not know. At first I thought that some kind of ugly does not make sense to go to the factory building, on the site was a matter of h
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