Friday, January 23, 2015

Since then, some ten years ago started to increase the potential for certain perfluorinated chemica

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Provocative new study has discovered that it appears that women who find it difficult to get pregnant, your blood is more certain nonstick chemical contaminant concentrations than in the blood of women who become pregnant during the first test month. The suspect compounds, known as PFOA and PFOS are the main components of the Teflon products.
Since then, some ten years ago started to increase the potential for certain perfluorinated chemicals, both commercial nonstick production line has been re-designed in order to avoid dependence on PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (perfluorooctanoic sulfonate). Nevertheless, throughout the developed world significant of these materials still can be found in air, water and humans. In fact, babies are usually born of both substances are found traces and their chemical components supplied by their mothers' blood.
Over the past few years Chunyuan Fei University of California, Los Angeles, mobilier horeca and her colleagues have linked elevated levels of PFOS and PFOA in the body mothers mobilier horeca with babies or reduced their children's early development of probability, such as being able to sit or walk without help or take something (such as a toy or book).
The new study, Ch. Fei team investigates the Danish database, which contains more than 43 000 young mothers. They were selected from the database of 1,240 women who were born healthy "plan" infants (not coincidentally). The researchers then asked each mother how long she tried to get pregnant. Time, the number of months it took was associated with PFOA and PFOS concentrations of specific examples of women's blood during pregnancy.
January. mobilier horeca appears in the journal Human Reproduction issue Ch. Fei and her colleagues reported that "it has been discovered that a higher level of PFOA and PFOS in the mother's body during early pregnancy is associated with a longer period of trying to get pregnant." In fact, among women with the lowest levels of any of these perfluorinated contaminants concentration of infertile women (those who tried to get pregnant for over a year), representing around 10 per cent., While among mothers whose blood is the most infected, the number of infertile women represent approximately double More.
It was confirmed that this trend is true even with the other factors that can affect a woman's fertility, such as her age, her spouse's age, sperm quality and sex frequency and time.
Also reminded that health affects not only chemicals used in the manufacture of Teflon, but misused and Teflon. This should draw attention mobilier horeca to all the owners of Teflon pans and housewives.
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