Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Antonio Bruno e Laureato in Scienze agrarie and President dell

Antonio Bruno e Laureato in Scienze agrarie and President dell'Associazione dei Dottori in Agricultural and Forestry della Provincia di Lecce (Lecce ADAF) and Consigliere Nazionale della Federazione Italiana Dottori in Agricultural and Forestry FIDAF http://www.fidaf.it/index. php. Scrivi tue proposte you all 'and mail adaf.lecce@libero.it
Renzo olive oil to overcome the problems of Salento These days I have been invited several times by the Director Cesare Telerama Vernaleone to discuss with the other guests and extra virgin olive oil. A display of affection, the lawyer. Mario Nicoletti from Parabita, there is no reason why it is forced to look back on their trips to the city of Lecce, the truth is that the image of a sad fate of the olives that fall from the trees, left to rot on earth without anyone to collect. A real shame! Although this is very common nowadays to those who venture restaurant supply charlotte nc in the streets of Salento in Lecce. A Morciano di Leuca, olives restaurant supply charlotte nc are harvested from trees (sprue) Not the case in Morciano di Leuca four steps of Santa Maria di Leuca, where the Romans built on the promontory japigeo temple dedicated to the goddess Minerva. Here Anthony Renzo, who is also president restaurant supply charlotte nc of the site for professionals Torre Vado, has an experience of olive cultivation technique that extends within five years and submit it to the attention of his colleagues and scientists from agriculture. A growing "sustainable" olive Meanwhile, the friend Antonio told me that he is now five years of not working olive grove or chemical fertilizers or weed control, pesticides or pesticide treatments. The collection (spruatura) Olives Renzo When they arrive in early October came into its bottom filled with olive variety Ogliarola Lecce, where two teams each consisting of a man and two women for the collection of the olive tree (spruatura) . The person shall operate a combine that strikes in the branches of trees with rakes mechanical drive, so that to make the olives fall collection networks. I could see for themselves that it is a very fast and productive, and Mr. Anthony assured me that is still affordable. Also, do not ruin the branches of trees or no damage to the tree by using heads made of art materials (carbon fiber combs or highly elastic resin) collecting the olives without damaging the plant. The harvest of olives that fall on the network that is under the projection of trees is carried out by two women. The harvester has a length that does not allow to rise at the top of the cup olive In the highest branches, where they receive the dell'abbacchiatore arm, is that Mr. Renzo has seen fit to intervene with the bezel reciprocates. The Lord. Antony ordered the operator to cut the branches as they are high enough that can not be achieved by collectors could not be removed from the tree. After the different cuts of the final results in oil tops the shorter trees. restaurant supply charlotte nc Harvesting olives cut branches Cut branches are still plenty of olives and for this reason are properly prepared berries with a branch. I witnessed the beating and the olive branch instead of dell'abbacchiatore tires and observe restaurant supply charlotte nc the speed of this operation. In fact, in a few seconds under the blows of this branch that looks like a whip, falling restaurant supply charlotte nc olives on the network placed under the projection of the tree. The payment of the branches leaf leaves removed part that feeds on rabbits, referred to in my room, and another part is buried in the base of the trunk to become a real organic fertilizer are pruned. The fight against olive fly invented by his brother Antonio Renzo brother Antonio was Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Salento. He said there was a persimmon tree every year who was attacked by the fly. The beautiful red fruit that we all admire this season were edible. The same happened with citrus. Professor Renzo these trees has found a way of not having attacks of these insects. Prof. Renzo took a plastic bottle which are used to make wine, it took very little water and Rogora we all know that is dimethoate dimethoate or class or organophosphate insecticides. Since it is a neurotoxic active, restaurant supply charlotte nc harmful to humans by ingestion, inhalation and we all know that we can not use it on fruit or olives, as the poisons in ourselves and the people who ate the fruit and oil from seasoned olives. Renzo insects to the odor of Rogor In fact, Professor Renzo are trees, fruits and then, with this powerful

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