Monday, May 26, 2014

History of the birth of commercial television was preceded by a local broadcast television. Through

Magic box called television, in addition preferably also bombarded with criticism even curses, primarily related to the negative effects of the broadcast. Dilemma "preferred" but it also "disliked", is a problem faced by television central restaurant products around the world including in the United States are liberal. Generally it is a criticism and anger regarding the broadcast program in the region VHS (Violence, central restaurant products Horror, Sex). Tony Schwartz in the Media: The Second central restaurant products God, praised television saying that "television has been transformed into a telescope alias window to the world where we can watch the various events in every part of the world. Living in a house we could easily witness the coronation of kings, death in the middle of a war, flood, and fire where the incident took place. We could look to penetrate the walls, across the ocean and across the mountains, and even examine the details of the landscape, the planets central restaurant products and the moon "(Sex With Television: 1997: iii). Instead of criticism is also addressed to the television. In a congressional hearing on October 21, 1993, Jannet Reno, U.S. Attorney central restaurant products General then launched a scathing criticism by saying "Sex and violence on U.S. television has exceeded the limits of a reasonable size norm. Although the organizers of the television broadcast repeatedly said that the effect of such events does not directly negatively affect children and adolescents, and parents must actively maintain their children not to watch such events, I still have a different stance. Based on the logic there must be a negative influence on children and adolescents. About parents who have to keep their children, I also do not agree. Many American children are not taken care of or accompanied by their parents because they have to work to fulfill their lives "(Ishadi central restaurant products SK, 1997). Robert RS (1987: 269) defines television as a "system for transmitting electrical signals to reproduce shadow looks with or without sound through central restaurant products something appropriate path to a place far away from the transmitter".
Indonesian TV until 2004, is still dominated by the 10 commercial television broadcast nationwide. 10 stations are RCTI, SCTV, IVM, TPI, quiz, Trans TV, Metro TV, TV 7, Lativi, Global TV who are all members of the Association of Indonesian Private Television (ATVSI). This dominance can be seen from the following table: NO STATION Total Audience Coverage Coverage Relay Station Province 1 million people nero 47 156 29/32 (90.6%) 2 SCTV 31 137 million 21/32 (65.6%) 3 22 129 million people IVM 16 / 32 (50%) 4 15 TPI 108.6 million 12/32 (37.5%) 5 94.4 million people Anteve 11 10/32 (31.3%) 6 Metro TV 33 65.4 million 25/32 (78.1%) 7 Trans TV 11 75.6 million people 9/32 (28.1%) 8 7 8 TV 66.4 million 8/32 (25%) 9 Global TV 6 63.3 million 6/32 (18.8%) 10 7 82.5 million people Lativi 7/32 (21.9% )
Is the fact that the birth of commercial television late 1980s Indonesia's is a mix of political interests and business interests. At that time the parabolic trough, the community already has alternatives besides TVRI television viewing. In other words, the globalization of information flows, it is no longer possible to be prevented by the authorities. Therefore better alternatives available channels can still be controlled by the government of private television. However, because it requires the establishment of a television big capital, the government must hold employers. And logic employers will not want to come back or if the investment is not profitable. That is why it should be allowed to advertise as a major revenue from commercial television.
History of the birth of commercial television was preceded by a local broadcast television. Through Decree No. 111/KEP/MENPEN/1990 Menpen government granted 11 licenses of private television broadcasting locally, RCTI Jakarta, Bandung RCTI, SCTV Surabaya, Denpasar SCTV, SMTV Yogyakarta, Semarang MCTV, CATV Lampung, Palembang CBST, RITV Batam, CTPI, IVM of which are referred to as STPS (Private Television Broadcasting Station). After walking However, entrepreneurs central restaurant products who invest managed to convince the government that the potential for locally ad has not been able to cover operating costs and programs that need to be made releases issued by the national reach. Therefore through Decree No. Menpen. 84A/KEP/MENPEN/1992, the government provides a national central restaurant products broadcasting license specifically to CTPI (Education) and IVM (Inkobang). The decree led to the term SPTS-P (Education) and SPTS-K (Special). central restaurant products Furthermore, through Decree No. Menpen. 04A/KEP/MENPEN/1993: RCTI, SCTV, TPI, IVM / Indosiar & National ANTeve TV gets license and re-used term SPTS (Private Television Broadcasting Station). SPTS with broadcast nationally coupled with the Metro-TV, Trans-TV, TV-7, Global-TV & LATIVI through Decree No. Menpen. 286/KEP/MENPEN/1999. Terakh

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