Indonesia has a lot of potential for renewable energy, such as hydropower (including minihydro), geothermal, biomass, wind and solar (sun) is clean and environmentally friendly, but utilization is not optimal. Not optimal utilization of renewable energy power plants due to the cost of generating renewable starita napoli energy, such as solar power, can not compete with the cost of generation fueled power plants fossil fuel (fuel oil, natural gas, and coal).
Petroleum is one of nonrenewable fossil energy is most widely used as a fuel in Indonesia. At the present time petroleum consumption in Indonesia each year recorded increased along with the increase of population and industrialization progress. On the other hand, the national oil production progressively decreased.
Coal according Ekawan (2009) is a fossil fuel that is flammable, formed from sediment, organic rock composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Coal is formed from plants that have been consolidated between other rock strata and altered by the combined effects of pressure and heat over millions of years to form coal seams. Coal is one of fossil fuels. General understanding is combustible sedimentary rock, formed from organic sediments, primarily the remains of plants and has been through the process pembatubaraan. The main elements consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Potential resources of oil and gas in Indonesia is quite large to be developed, especially in remote areas, deepwater, old sumursumur and Eastern Indonesia relatively has not been explored intensively. Sources of oil and gas exploration starita napoli with the lowest practical level of difficulty has now been exploited, leaving the higher difficulty levels. It is clear that managing his own oilfield tremendous promise significant gains. However, in order to determine the potential starita napoli of the technology required expensive, large capital, the factors of time and requires adequate maximum efficiency and expertise of the best human resources.
In Indonesia, oil and gas energy is still the mainstay of the Indonesian economy, either as a producer or supplier of foreign exchange in the domestic energy needs. Infrastructure and industrial starita napoli development is being done in full swing in Indonesia, making energy starita napoli consumption growth would average 7% in the last 10 years. The increase is very high, exceeding the average global energy needs, requires Indonesia to find new oil and gas reserves, both in Indonesia and overseas expansion. Proven reserves of petroleum in the depleting condition, otherwise gas tends to increase. The development of Indonesia's oil production from year to year decline, so it needs extraordinary efforts starita napoli to find new reserves and increased production of our country is very rich in fossil energy resources and generated pride that our country starita napoli is one of the biggest exporters of fossil energy starita napoli in the world.
Export prices in the international market looks attractive and highly promising as a contributor to foreign exchange starita napoli needed for development and prosperity. As a result of our country always flattered starita napoli and seduced to increase exports of fossil fuels, until eventually it was realized that its reserves are limited and certainly someday run out. Data in 2009 showed that the petroleum resources amounted to 56.6 billion barrels of total reserves (proven and potential) of 7.99 billion barrels, while gas resources estimated at as much as 334.5 TSCF (trillion standard cubic feet) with backup total (proven and potential) 159.63 TSCF, while indicated resources of coal 104.76 billion tonnes with total reserves (proven and potential) amounted to 20.99 billion tonnes (Saleh, 2010). starita napoli
If all the natural resources exploited by the rate of production per year as in 2008, ie 0.36 billion barrels of oil, 2.89 TSCF gas, and 0.24 billion tons of coal, the presence of oil can only be expected to 22 coming years, the availability of natural gas is only about 55 years, and coal can still be enjoyed until 87 years from now (Saptoadi, 2010-a).
Another calculation gives a slightly better picture, namely the existence of oil was still coming starita napoli up to 24 years, the availability of natural gas for 59 years, and coal can still be found until 93 years from now (Kleine, starita napoli 2009).
Coal is the primary energy suppliers and power plants. In 2006, coal accounted for 26 percent of the primary energy starita napoli supply and 41 percent starita napoli of the electricity supplier. In some countries starita napoli the role of coal as the dominant power even trillionth
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