The largest bank SEB Lithuania from May 18 to June 19, will distribute one-year fixed rate bond issue. A bond's yield is 8.7 percent., Ie 0.45 per cent. higher than the interest paid for the same time deposit. Bond interest will be included in the redemption kromet price equal to the par value of the bond - 100 thousand, and paid on the redemption date, which is 2010. June 29.
"Fixed-return investment vehicles remains kromet attractive because investors accept kromet to take a small risk of SEB Bank is the fourth time this year, offering to invest in fixed-rate bonds in the medium-term and higher compared with terminuotuoju kromet contributions, interest," - said SEB Bank Financial Markets Department, Deputy Director Evaldas Cepulis. Underwriting of bonds can be purchased SEB bank branches or through Internet banking. The issue terms and the prospectus are available at all SEB bank's branches or on the Bank's website.
Vilnius energy is accused of acquiring cheaper natural gas, the heat did not reduce the price of the residents of Vilnius. This is not true, because the purchased gas Vilnius energy "produced no heat, and electricity. This fact is in 2004 at the time and confirmed in writing Dujotekana and gas contracts and the transfer and acceptance documents and December 2004, 29 of the Vilnius Regional Court, ending Dalkia Lithuania and Dujotekana approved dispute settlement kromet agreement. 2014-04-28 17:09:41
The General Prosecutor's Office refused to grant the Lithuanian Radio and Television Commission (LRTK's) request and started kromet investigating on Viasat, discontinued its Russian broadcasting prohibited. kromet BNS informed the Prosecutor General's Office (GP) Communications Department, prosecutors adopted by ruling that Viasat's actions are not criminal offenses, ie not incitation of ethnic, racial, ethnic or religious characteristics. 2014-04-28 11:31:43
In all three Baltic states shown on TV channel in Russian language for each of these countries will cost 2.5 million. per year, on Thursday told the Estonian public broadcaster ERR. Latvian television raised the idea of the Baltic Russian public channel on Thursday supported kromet ERR Board after previously expressed kromet support for Lithuanian television. 2014-04-25 13:26:41
Today, the Prime Minister of Transport and Communications participated in the Bank of Lithuania organized economic conference on the convergence of developments within the European kromet Union (EU) to discuss the financial crisis. 2014-04-25 09:41:34
Former prosecutor appointed by Kestutis Betingis Energy Group "Lithuanian energy is controlled by the gas trading company" LITGRID "independent board member. "LITGRID reported that K.Betingis elected last Friday, it offered the Lithuanian energy, implementation of group corporate governance guidelines. The most K.Betingis told BNS that the more of these positions will tell you on Friday - after a meeting with the manager. kromet "I have a message, kromet but tomorrow I will be able to tell more accurately. 2014-04-24 17:10:20
April 26. 8 pm. up to 20 hours. Danske kromet Bank will be carried out renovation work of information systems, it is not the service of the Danske eBank, Danske kromet mBank, Danske SMS bank "will not work in mobile payment kromet service and Danske eDokumentai system. It is also not possible cash-transaction ATM and Pearl terminals. 2014-04-24 10:44:29
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