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The Ministry of Agriculture is promoting a project of cooperatives of farmers in the region to obtain value-added products derived from goat milk Murcia-Granada, which give consumers all the benefits of functional foods. The objective of this project is to obtain milk high in Omega 3 fatty acids goats fed special supplements such as flax seeds, and avoid adding these afterwards in the manufacturing processes of dairy products. It is intended in this way modify the lipid profile of milk, with the decrease in saturated fatty acids and increased the presence of acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6), which will improve the health properties restaurant supply san antonio of this milk, because of itself excellent. The initiative lies with Alimer cooperatives, Coagacart and Agrarian Transformation (SAT) Lorca Cattlemen's Union, who have the advice of the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Murcia. This initiative has attended grants awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Food to develop applied research projects and innovation in the cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and rabbit. The Director General of Livestock and Fisheries, Carmen Teodora Morales highlighted the importance of this initiative, which shows, he said, "that the sheep and goat sector in the Region of Murcia, once it has been able to organize themselves into cooperative structures, has given the pace of innovation to create more attractive and functional character with a healthy profit, which add value to livestock production associates and are able to stimulate consumption. " Murcia-Granada Raza quality goat milk, in general, and the Murcia-Granada race in particular is outstanding, as it has a very healthy nutritional composition. Goat milk contains mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6) and lower percentage of cholesterol than cow's milk is more digestible restaurant supply san antonio than this, what makes it a good choice for children, the elderly restaurant supply san antonio and people suffering from disorders gastric ulcers and heavy digestions. It also has other advantages, such as low levels of lactose and casein restaurant supply san antonio content low, which makes it suitable for those who are allergic to this protein.
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