Tuesday, September 24, 2013

According to experts on food, cooking food in the oven is much healthier than frying, since in the

A scientific study analyzes the amount of furans compounds that could be toxic to the organism, fish sticks prepared by different methods: baked, fried with olive oil and sunflower oil fried.
According to experts on food, cooking food in the oven is much healthier than frying, since in the latter process lost many nutritional properties. Now, a study involving researchers from the University of Extremadura has found that, at least in the case of fish fingers, oven roasting ponderosa ca releases less amount of furans.
Furan is a compound containing some foods and helps to intensify their flavor. However, in recent years it has become suspicious of their toxicity, and currently ponderosa ca the International Cancer Agency considers it as "possibly carcinogenic to humans". Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority recommends that analyze these substances in certain products that are subjected to heat when consumed.
The new study, published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, reveals that fish sticks fried in olive oil contain about 30 micrograms per gram of sample furan, 20 when the oil is sunflower and only 10 when cooked in the oven.
"The formation of furans can be reduced by adjusting the cooking conditions and postcocinado" explains Maria Trinidad PĂ©rez-Palacios, one of the authors of the work. "For example, using the oven instead of the fryer, decreasing the temperature and frying ponderosa ca time - at 160 C for 4 minutes is sufficient, or waiting for a suitable time -10 min, from which the product is prepared to consumption ".
In addition, the researcher thinks it would be important to educate consumers as it is important to read product labels, which often recommend baking as the ideal preparation method: "In this sense, ponderosa ca the manufacturers also must advance, by example in packaging informing about the possibility of preparing the baked product, or even recommending method alone. "
- Olive oil, benefits of family size
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