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We all know that processed food is bad for health, but do not know how far they can get their havoc because the industry has been very careful to hide it. Here are ten things that are good to know before falling into temptation.
Typically, processed foods are full of sugar, salt, preservatives and other additives in excess. But you probably already knew this. What you might not know is the extent which may have their ravages, which the processed food industry does not want you.
Unlike whole raw food, which contains a mixture of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber and water to help you feel satisfied, processed foods stimulate the release of dopamine and make you feel good even when the food has no nutrients or fiber. This release of dopamine can lead to overeating and, ultimately, to become addicted to food.
It is virtually guaranteed that processed food contains additives that are linked to obesity. This includes MSG, corn syrup high in fructose, artificial sweeteners and others. In addition, refined ugo culver city carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, bagels, waffles, pretzels and most other processed foods are quickly converted ugo culver city to sugar.
This increases your insulin and leptin levels and contributes to insulin resistance, which is the main factor of almost all chronic diseases and conditions known to man, including weight gain.
Eating foods in certain combinations helps the digestion process of your body work more efficiently and absorb more nutrients. According to one study, eat proteins and starches at one time (which is common in processed ugo culver city foods like pepperoni pizza) inhibits digestion ugo culver city and leads to putrefaction of your food and your blood acidic conditions.
Microorganisms that live in your digestive tracts form a very important internal ecosystem that influence ugo culver city many aspects of your health. Processed foods disrupt this system, suppressing beneficial microflora and leading to digestive problems, cravings and diseases. The beneficial organisms in your plant rejoice with whole and unprocessed food.
Mood swings, memory problems and even depression are often strong diet results in processed ugo culver city food. In fact, the highest concentration of serotonin, which is involved in mood control, depression and aggression, is found in your intestines, not your brain.
Processed ugo culver city foods are quick and easy, which makes them perfect to eat while you're in a hurry. But eating ugo culver city so fast, or while doing other things, can cause you to lose contact with your body's natural signals that alert you when you're full. This obviously makes you eat more and gain weight, and even more difficult for proper digestion. ugo culver city
A processed ugo culver city food may be labeled as "natural" or "sugar free", but it does not sound. For example, a product called "natural" can legally be genetically modified, full of pesticides or made with corn syrup, additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients.
Processed meats are those that are preserved with smoke or salt, or adding chemical preservatives. These include bacon, ham, pastrami, salami, pepperoni, sausage ugo culver city and some burgers. Nitrates are added are particularly problematic.
Since processed foods are depleted of nutrients, you can be eating a lot of calories but still be malnourished. And genetically modified foods are linked to reproductive problems.
Thanks to cocktail quĂ9micos, preservatives and other additives processed foods can survive long in a cupboard without decomposing. Unfortunately, producers invest much time and money on strategies to enhance life in pantry and create ugo culver city attractive packaging and very little attention in the nutrient value or how it will be harmful to health.
2013/09/05 at 2:23 pm
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