Saturday, September 28, 2013

Our task is to spread through news and ideas,

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A commitment to recycling food. Despite cafeideas the crisis developed countries throw away 200 million tons of food each year, according to an EU study, 45% of this waste comes from households. Maybe because we serve many more on the plate and satiate us much sooner than expected? Reheating food the next day?
Simply take a picture of the leftovers and upload it to LeftoverSwap while the location marks. To facilitate delivery the user can specify the type of food, even set a price if offered for sale. The exchange is personal and if cash sale.
According to the opinion of the developers, simply place the user ...
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Our task is to spread through news and ideas, "another reality" does not appear in the traditional media. We financed by voluntary contributions from readers, subscribers and friends. If you want to help, can you do donation of any amount here. We appreciate your help Truths changed

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