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Group researchers Marine Microalgae Biotechnology Almería University have developed a method for obtaining microalgae biomass production resturant supplies increases polyunsaturated fat, of interest to feed aquaculture species. The technique includes the addition of fertilizer and water reuse nutrient carrier.
A new production of microalgae process has been devised by researchers Microalgae Biotechnology Group marine Almería University, as published in the journal Bioresource Technology.
The method allows increasing the production of biomass rich in polyunsaturated fats, beneficial to aquaculture species by the addition of fertilizer and water reuse nutrient carrier. It is also cheaper and environmentally resturant supplies friendly than other techniques.
The researchers have chosen the species Nannochloropsis Cadiz, since it is a good producer of valuable proteins and fatty acids for aquaculture. "These include omega-3 and omega-6, EPA and DHA, two fatty acids 'benefits' that are incorporated into the fat of the fish and also pass to the human diet," says study leader Maria del Carmen Ceron.
The novelty of the project is the development of bioreactors incorporating improvements to optimize the process of obtaining biomass. Specifically, these strategies resturant supplies incorporating fertilizers and reuse of culture medium.
With the addition of fertilizer, experts incorporate essential nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus resturant supplies and micronutrients to the water where the algae need to grow. This formula resturant supplies lowers the cost and keeps the same composition of nutrients needed by microorganisms.
To reduce costs and avoid pollution, experts from the University of Almería sterilizing water reuse this previously, to prevent accumulation resturant supplies of undesirable microorganisms. After trying several strategies, researchers have found that the most effective technique is the ozonation, ie the addition of ozone.
Microalgae are cultivated by farmers in traditional bags. However, this group designed reactors make more efficient process of obtaining the raw material. "Our technologies favor the production of microorganisms, so that all cells of microalgae grow in the most effective and optimize the quality of the biomass that is intended to aquaculture," he says.
Researchers apply microalgae to different processes such as obtaining resturant supplies biodiesel. In a study of production of biodiesel by the fermentation of Chlorella protothecoides with glycerol as the carbon source have achieved this biofuel from a residue resulting from the process.
In the research, scientists have evaluated the potential of the species Chlorella protothecoides as 'hoarding' of oil using glycerol as food, the main waste product from production of biodiesel. This compound acts as a carbon source in the culture medium used to grow the microalgae.
Previous studies have analyzed the production of large-scale biodiesel from oil enriched biomass of this alga. However, the novelty of this research is the use of glycerol as organic substrate. "There has been very high biomass yields and productivities of biodiesel equivalent to those reported for the same species but using glucose as carbon source," says Ceron.
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