Sunday, August 24, 2014

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Company Name (*) Email (*) Phone What needs to be changed / gepdate be (*) All data changes restaurant supply miami are verified with public sources. We ask you to give up, so we can verifying him. Proper source or source reference
Career Derk Doijer restaurant supply miami 2004 Member of Executive Board of SHV Holdings 1995-2004 Various positions Makro Brazil & Netherlands 1993-1995 Director Makro Netherlands 1989-1993 Main Supermercados Mayoristas Makro Argentina
Immediately restaurant supply miami after his law studies Doijer went to work at SHV, where as a 25-year-old lawyer, was active in the former port and shipping daughters in Rotterdam. Seven years later Doijer restaurant supply miami traveled to Brazil, where he went to work at Makro. There Doijer was appointed in 1989 to head of the Argentine Supermercados Mayoristas Makro. Under his leadership, the Argentine subsidiary of SHV climbed back out of the red. After the branches in South America were back on track, Derk Doijer returned in 1993 to the Netherlands and became director of Makro Netherlands. restaurant supply miami In 1995 Fentener Paul van Vlissingen, then CEO of SHV Holdings, had to make an urgent appeal to Doijer after subsidiaries in Brazil unexpectedly tens of millions had turned loss. Doijer returned to South America to put there. Affairs in order He did this by setting restaurant supply miami up. Regional headquarters in 1997 From there he led the shops including Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia. After his merits for SHV in South America, Doijer exchanged his hometown of Sao Paolo Wassenaar. For a long time was the expectation that Derk Doijer successor would be Piet Klaver as CEO of SHV Holdings, the family business of Fentener van Vlissingen restaurant supply miami family. In 2004, however Doijer stepped unexpectedly, to own admission to enjoy it. Life
This autumn offers Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Advanced restaurant supply miami Management and Leadership Programme at. A powerful 10-day program in the areas of leadership, restaurant supply miami strategy and finance. Starting November 4th. More information >>
Board of Directors Executive Committee Board Dick Boer CEO Jeff Carr CFO Lodewijk Hijmans van den Bergh CCGC (Corporate Governance Counsel) James McCann Board member Jan Hommen Commissioner (Chairman) restaurant supply miami Rob van den Bergh Commissioner Derk Doijer Commissioner Mark McGrath Commissioner Ben Noteboom Commissioner Stephanie Shern Commissioner Judith Sprieser Commissioner Dick Boer Executive Committee Chairman Jeff Carr Member Executive Committee Hanneke restaurant supply miami Faber CCO Lodewijk Hijmans van den Bergh Member Executive Committee Abbe Luersman Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) Sander van der Laan COO (Chief restaurant supply miami Operating Officer) James McCann restaurant supply miami COO Ahold Europe restaurant supply miami (Chief Operating Officer) Ahold USA Ahold
Board of Directors Board Gerard Groener CEO Ben van der Klift CFO Frédéric Fontaine Board member Derk Doijer Commissioner (Chairman) Robert van der Meer Commissioner (Vice President) Gobert Beijer Commissioner Roel van den Berg Commissioner Mr. Carrafiell Commissioner John Corio

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