Sunday, June 22, 2014

1.9 Germany mysteriously died twelve Bt corn-fed cows first 12 dairy

Book "Genetic Roulette" the first part summary | Genetically Modified Organisms | GMO
According to the author of the book, eating genetically modified food is gambling with every bite. This book refuting the claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe, provided sixty-five health risks. The second gene roulette part of why GM crops safety assessments are not sufficient to identify the first part of the book to present medical problems. Other Jeffrey Smith book "Seeds of Deception" ("Seeds of Deception") has become a worldwide Most read book about genetically modified food. Your attention in this book the following summary hospitality supplies melbourne of the health risks.
1.1 GM potatoes damaged the rats first Rats were fed potatoes, modified so that the derived insecticides. Second of their digestive tract by producing potentially cancerous cells, hospitality supplies melbourne weakening their brain, liver and testis development, partially atrophied livers, increased pancreas and small bowel and weakened immune system. Third reason was not made potato insecticide, but, most likely, genetic engineering process itself.
1.2 rats fed GM tomatoes, stomach bleeding, a few have died first rats were fed GM tomatoes FlavrSavr 28 days. 2nd Seven of the 20 rats developed stomach ulcers (bleeding in the stomach) another 7 of 40 died within two weeks and were replaced in the study. 3rd Tomatoes have been approved by FDA scientists, despite unresolved safety issues. Note: FDA - Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration) - U.S. authorities hospitality supplies melbourne responsible for ensuring that foods are safe, as well as human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, cosmetics and electronic products, which emit radiation are safe.
1.3 Rats fed Bt corn had multiple health problems first Rats were fed Monsanto's Mon 863 maize for 90 days. Second appeared significant changes in their blood cells, liver and kidneys, which can diagnose the disease. Third While experts called for further research, Monsanto used a non-scientific and controversial arguments hospitality supplies melbourne to reject the scientific concern. Note: Bt crops (maize, oilseed rape, potatoes, etc..) Are those, which have been inserted in the organism Bacillus thuringiensis gene that results in insects (pests) toxic protein synthesis.
1.4 mice fed GM Bt potatoes were damaged intestine 1st Mice were fed GM potatoes, modified to produce Bt toxins and natural potatoes, which were mixed with Bt toxins. The second hospitality supplies melbourne two types of feed resulted in an abnormal and excessive growth of cells in the lower part of the small intestine (the ileum in). Third Similar to human small intestinal lesions may result in the disposal system disorder or flu-like symptoms and be cancerous. 4th The study breaks down assumptions that the Bt toxin is digested by the digestion of food and is not biologically hospitality supplies melbourne active mammalian hospitality supplies melbourne digestive tract.
1.5 Bt cotton workers caused by allergic reactions to the first of six villages in the agricultural laborers, who collected or handled Bt cotton reported to skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract reactions. 2nd Some workers were taken to the hospital. 3rd ginning factory workers hospitality supplies melbourne every day taking antihistamines (Note: medicines to help combat asthma hospitality supplies melbourne and shortness hospitality supplies melbourne of breath). 4th One doctor treated about 250 this cotton employed workers.
1.6 Sheep died after grazing Bt cotton fields first in some parts of India after the cotton harvest sheep herd grazing Bt cotton stubble. Second in four villages in a week 25% of the sheep died. Third autopsy revealed that the cause of death - poisoning.
1.7 Inhaled Bt plant pollens can cause human allergies 1st 2003. of per 100 people living near Bt corn field in the Philippines, developed skin, respiratory, intestinal, and other allergic symptoms at a time when they spread corn pollen. Second 39 human blood studies showed hospitality supplies melbourne antibody response to Bt toxin, which is supported, although hospitality supplies melbourne it does not prove possible link to massive human ailment. Third in 2004. Symptoms recurred at least four other villages, where it was grown in the same type of maize. 4th Villagers few pet death as explained in the following maize.
Farmers reported 1.8 pigs and cows infertility caused by GM corn first for more than 20 North American farmers hospitality supplies melbourne reported that pigs fed GM corn had little fertile experienced false pregnancies or gave birth placentas, filled with water. 2nd Both males and females become infertile. 3rd Some farmers also reported a cow infertility.
1.9 Germany mysteriously died twelve Bt corn-fed cows first 12 dairy

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