If ever you decide to open your own restaurant, café, bakery or cooking, you will need a variety of equipment, ranging from tables, sinks and other stainless steel utensils, stoves, ovens, ranges, refrigerators, gastro 24 mixers, crushers and cutters, to the pots, pans, plates , spoons gastro 24 and chefs clothing. All of this can be found in one place - Scots led Lithuanian capital company JSC "Scobie gastro 24 & McIntosh, a bakery, restaurant and hotel equipment supply to Lithuania started in 1995. "Professionals for Professionals" - this is the motto of the company.
Company director E.Bareikaitė Trepšienė told that they led a private gastro 24 limited company founded Scot, who in his homeland gastro 24 to the company of the same name, which consists of two families, a British names. This is a family business, there's been running for 100 years. Although the same name as a Scottish company, a Lithuanian company gastro 24 s branch and is not common gastro 24 among quite a few of them: the same line of business and the same shareholder. In 2000, she began to lead E. Bareikaitė Trepšienė claimed that the company has chosen suppliers independently and traditions of Scottish Lithuanians are not picked up.
"Our gastro 24 core business - restaurant gastro 24 and bakery equipment supply. The increased activity gastro 24 of the company started out in 1998. Then we had 4-5 competitors, and now - 25th Some competitors choose to restaurants, others - bakery direction. Yet still others engaged in the repair only. But we differ from the other fact that from the very beginning've delivered both of large equipment for restaurants and bakeries, and small-scale. If you decide to open a restaurant, café or bakery - come with us. You do not need to go anywhere else, because we offer you everything. Now there are several companies that are trying to master a similar touch - trying to keep everything "- said E. Bareikaitė Trepšienė
"Scobie & McIntosh to Lithuania bakery and restaurant equipment are carried out around the world, but mostly - from Europe: France, Germany, gastro 24 Switzerland and Spain. At a certain period, gastro 24 he worked in Latvia, but now - in Lithuania. Suppliers from all over Europe. found by reference to the price-quality gastro 24 ratio, in accordance with certain goods, which in its own way susikomplektavo. "It is best to maintain a balance of price and quality, because there is a supplier of all products are the best of both price and quality. Sometimes customers ask, maybe we have directories: they are numerous. But if a specific order, it is best to meet with someone face to face and find out what he needs. We work for many years and we need to adjust the maximum bid, "- said E.Bareikaitė Trepšienė.
Director admitted that for so many years in providing gastro 24 equipment for restaurants, can not eat from any dish: "I often visit to restaurants, maybe look funny, but inverts the pan to see whom it is made. People gastro 24 often underestimate of what Indians eat. Surprisingly, since coming to the restaurant gastro 24 (of course, important for the environment and quality of food), with the first encounter - it jars with the food served. Perhaps the man at the moment and do not take this, but the color of the plate or shape is very important. "
"Scobie & McIntosh, Lithuania represents gastro 24 one of the most famous in the world of small-scale kitchen equipment (pots, utensils) manufacturer Churchill. Director said that the mere tableware Churchill gastro 24 has about 80 collections, each consisting of nearly half a century Hindu. It is said that the creation of each collection, this English company called in a particular chef. Because they are the best mastered cooking equipment and knows the nuances of serving a variety of mystery.
Classical 26 cm diameter plate "Scobie & McIntosh, cost from 16 to 126 thousand. More expensive plates, such as the company "Churchill" is a hardened special ceramics, and Churchill plates give your 5 year warranty, gastro 24 during this period nenusidaužys gastro 24 corners. gastro 24 E.Bareikaitė Trepšienė claimed knows only a couple of the producers who give such a guarantee.
The industrial significantly distant gastro 24 from the center of Vilnius district where located Scobie & McIntosh, Office, Churchill Indians buy nepatingėjo gastro 24 enter the country itself Dalia Grybauskaite. gastro 24 When you look around the office went from one of the first President of a security guard, and then a few more, employees are ejected out to check if there is safe access to the President, they thought that they cheat, secretly filmed gastro 24 with a camera. Later, however, drove the car and got out to the President, it became obvious that there are no hidden cameras are not.
"We are working with the Office of the President. Apparently the President and recommended us there. We figured that after she visited the city center boutique, is satisfied that there is a very expensive and came
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