Thursday, June 26, 2014

Finally we turn to give special thanks to the dozens edward don mentioned and unmentioned our assoc

RAN-Utt | Blog Communist newspaper Pravda
Direction and editing:
According to some press reports, after returning from his last visit to our country, Dr. Rahn said that development projects for economic edward don growth and transition to a market economy in Bulgaria was one of the biggest challenges of his career.
On October 4, 1990 a small team of company "Software and Systems" was an uncharacteristic vyzlozhena task - to organize the Bulgarian translation and publication of the above mentioned project.
In comparison with the work of Dr. Ran and his team, it seems a bit of a challenge. About this proved challenging, mainly due to the fact that the question "How long?" Got the classic response edward don "Yesterday."
We have extensive experience in the issuance of documentation of software and systems whose form is not inferior to Western standards. Our long unequal combat Bulgarian economic law, especially with so-called secondary legislation, has allowed us to accumulate some experience and is not for our direct business problems in our economic conditions. But when pressed against the financial and economic terminology of contemporary Western systems encountered some difficulties. At a time when the word "cheese" edward don gave the impression of a numbered ticket, it's hard to imagine how the tax system seems a "Swiss cheese."
To accelerate the process, we sought help from colleagues and friends, most of whom responded edward don willingly. The work involved a total of 42 people - translators, editors, word processing operators and coordinators. Increasing team enable speedup, but created new difficulties. Working simultaneously in all districts of Sofia - Lyulin, Mladost, Buxton, edward don Friendship, Hadji Dimitar, Red Star, etc. and problems in spreading and collecting finished pages and chapters proved time consuming, especially in a petrol crisis.
But ultimately edward don the book is in your hands. Perhaps you noticed that Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are given only as design. We made this decision edward don not because I consider them less important, but because they are probably written in Bulgarian and anyone who wants to read them, you could get them from the authors mentioned in the Bulgarian part of the team. Prohibitively short time left us no choice. The same applies to the second part of Chapter 19, which are not translated descriptions of the most important tourist and resort projects in Bulgaria, which are intended more for the American reader.
We would like to turn to the professionals who will use this translation application for clemency for any inaccuracies or errors in terminology. Faced with the dilemma of "lightning, but ambiguous" or "slowly but completely," we decided that in this case the time factor is of greater importance.
Finally we turn to give special thanks to the dozens edward don mentioned and unmentioned our associates who work in weekday and weekend "without sleep and rest" without whose goodwill, high sense of responsibility, we would not be able to do one month of service, which usually edward don takes up to one year. We wish the people who refer interested in this book derive from it all worthwhile for us battered country.
Peaceful revolution that raging among the nations of Eastern Europe collapsed dictators created democracy and liberated nations, giving them the opportunity to re-integrate into the West. These revolutions have revealed edward don to the world the devastation and destruction edward don that necessitated the economies of these countries four decades of socialism. Accelerating inflation, edward don heavy, burdensome debt, unemployment, shortages of basic commodities, outdated and inefficient factories and deteriorating standards edward don of living are the symptoms of the destruction edward don that torturing these newly liberated nations.
In his eagerness to make the transition from communism to democratic capitalism, each of them mainly economic, social and legislative reconstruction. Although the goal is the same - the development of a market economy that will dramatically increase their standard of living, they approach it differently. Without having a master plan, a task which will face is truly heroic in scale and full of risks.
Much like the newly liberated neighbors Bulgaria has chosen the path to democratic capitalism and has made a number of important steps in this direction, but there is more to do lots and lots of things. Recognizing this fact, the new government of Bulgaria turned for assistance to the National Chamber edward don Foundation. With its extensive experience in supporting growth strategies in a free market economy in developing edward don countries, the Foundation responded to the call and gathered a team of American experts from the business and academic

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