Last Saturday it was finally time! The day we have all been waiting for, the day when over 1300 people would pilgrimage to Nørrebro in Copenhagen to inaugurate Mikkeller Bar Stefan Gade. It was a long, long day with many, many beers and lots of cruel people. There is some lack of good pictures as I was too busy to hang out and drink beer, so you have to make do with those who are and try to imagine how it was. If nothing else, I'm cafeideas going to Copenhagen in two weeks again, will try to bring a little more proper camera then. But until then, here is a little report on how it was on opening day! It all started at 10 in the morning when I jump on the train home and meets up Brekeriet the younger, André. We get in to Malmö and change trains, and in Hyllie jumps Balder on .. The idea was that we would meet up in the last wagon and go along across the channel, but apparently they had switched on more carriages without me and André seen it, so Balder permeated around like a confused chicken in them rearmost carriages while I and André sat and savored a few beers in one of the first .. Which we thought was the last. Oh well, shit happens! We still got up at 11 o'clock and meet up Balder on the platform, then we're up on Hovedbangarden and meets up Manker and M2, which were a bit worn since the day before. Dom was on the unofficial opening of Stefan Gade-bar on Friday, so they had already had a taste of the place a little. However, they were of course no stranger to drag there again, luckily for us. We started as usual with a visit to Ölbutikken to check out what was new, bought us a couple of beers and went down to the "old" Mikkeller Bar in Viktoriagade to start warming up before we would set us in the queue at Nørrebro . Hill Farmstead Jimmy, insanely good black IPA. Mikkeller Vesterbro Pils - one of Mikkellers absolute best beer. Here we had time to try including through some of Mikkellers new spontanöl including Spontandoublefig, Spotandoubleblueberry, Spontaneous Double Elderberry and Spotandoublecherry. All of nice suröl, but especially figs variant left their mark. It really was surprisingly very prickly cafeideas in both aroma and flavor, and together with the funky foundation so it was really good. Odd, but good! A few beers later, it was time to get in a taxi and pull down to Stefan Gade. Once there, it had already begun to form a relatively long queue, but not so long that we thought it would be .. It was still only 45 minutes to the bar would be open. However, we noticed after a while that it more or less just were Swedes in the queue (the friends from Helsingborg Hembryggargille was there and even himself Viktor / Rüdbrygger and his friends from Want Valla Pub among others). You know, Danes are not as much for queuing as us, just in time for type two forty-five started falling into Danes also.
Some Hipster Ales later struck at 15:00 and Frederick came out to tell us that the bar was now officially open! The people poured in, we quickly found a table to sit down at and began hinka free worn. They first 500 liters of beer was free, so some Nørrebro pale ale it was there in the crowd. We ended up right at the entrance which was pretty fun, you could see how the same people were circulating back and forth with a new beer every time they Entrade premises. We were already on the Mikkeller & Friends Bottle Shop (located in the same building) would open 17:00 so we decided to stay until then anyway. It did not hurt at all, and after a little cafeideas more than an hour so it was time to start giving us the crazy fatlistan they had cobbled together to this day. Three Floyds Vanilla Bean Dark Lord and Westvleteren 12 Totally okay. Time flowed on, everyone was in a great mood and I tried to check the premises as best I could in the chaos people. It was really fucking great people. Well, it was fun anyway! The new pub is great and fresh with a pretty amusing plan. It will be fun to stick in a couple of weeks and see how it is but half the population of Copenhagen inside. The time was approaching 17 and we sneaked in and put us on the bottle shop to browse a bit in supply. And damn, what beer it was in the coolers!
Rarities and some really awesome standard beers from Three Floyds, some from Hill Farmstead, lots of Mikkeller (obviously), To Beer, Cantillon and some possible you can imagine. cafeideas A really good bottle shop with a slightly different cafeideas range against the others in town, especially when there were just as Three Floyds and Hill Farmstead, two breweries we do not see too often here in Europe. We bought what we were before we started to head down towards Nørreport cafeideas and the train that would take us back to Skåne and Vellinge where the party continued for a few more hours. To summarize my first visit at Mikkeller Bar Stefan cafeideas Gade - cruel. Really cruel. Both beer Connoisseur and atmosphere was absolutely phenomenal and I will pull di
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