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"He can not even boil an egg!" Complains restaurant supply nj sometimes a wife of her husband, as if to boil an egg was the easiest thing in the world, a sign of a poor culinary skills. Yet cook an egg in water is less simple than it seems at first glance.
A chicken egg is made up of 74 percent water, 12 percent protein and 11 percent fat with traces of vitamins, minerals restaurant supply nj and other substances. restaurant supply nj The fat is concentrated exclusively in the yolk while the egg white is basically a solution of 10 percent protein in water. They are proteins, and their ability to coagulate with increasing temperature, which allow us to prepare a hard-boiled egg. We can imagine restaurant supply nj the protein, albumen which is in the yolk, as balls of wool suspended in an ocean of water. Increasing the temperature of some proteins begin to "unwind" part: it "denature". restaurant supply nj When two meet denatured proteins can bind to each other. Gradually formed a solid three-dimensional restaurant supply nj network of proteins that entraps restaurant supply nj water molecules restaurant supply nj inside: it happened clotting. If, however, this is far too long, the protein network becomes so dense that it "squeezes" out of the water molecules, the egg white takes on a chewy texture restaurant supply nj and unappetizing while the yolk becomes dry and almost sandy.
Recommend Pellegrino Artusi in his "The science of cooking and the art of eating well": Eggs drinking boil two minutes, boiled eggs ten start counting from the moment that you throw into boiling water; if you like soft-boiled, restaurant supply nj it takes six or seven minutes, and in both cases, just taken off the fire, put in cold water.
At 100 C the egg white and the yolk coagulates both, but because the yolk is slower to cook, being more inside the egg white is likely to overcook. Depending on the desired consistency of the albumen and yolk recipes typically recommend restaurant supply nj an optimum cooking time, ranging from egg hard boiled egg, from 2-3 minutes to 10 minutes from the time it is placed in boiling water . Artusi's suggestion to put the eggs in cold water to stop the cooking serves restaurant supply nj that otherwise would go out of the water for a while '.
In fact, the secret of good cooking the egg is not the time but the temperature controlled. It should cook the egg to the coagulation temperature of the proteins, which is always less than 100 C. There are several proteins in the egg, and each coagulate at different temperatures. The ovotransferrin, albumen, begins to coagulate at 62 C and becomes a soft solid at 65 C. Since the ovotransferrin constitutes only 12 per cent of albumen proteins, it remains soft. At 85 C even the ovalbumin, which constitutes 54 percent of the proteins of the albumen, coagulates, and the white becomes more compact. The yolk instead thickens at 65 C and solidifies at 70 C.
If you have patience and a cooking thermometer to monitor the temperature of the water, you can try to cook an egg keeping the water for an hour at about 65 degrees. If you like the soft egg your patience will be rewarded by the incredible consistency obtained restaurant supply nj with this cooking, let this be known, is also performed in some famous restaurant supply nj restaurants in more stars.
Since they are not equipped with a thermal bath or a furnace which maintains the temperature to the degree I had to make. I put three liters of water in a large pot. More water is best able to maintain temperature control. I took two eggs and I warmed slightly in a pan (40 C) because it was more gentle transition to the hot water, to prevent it from crepassero or break open the shell. In the meantime, I put it to heat the water. I waited for the arrival of 70 C I closed the lid, turn off the gas, moved the pot on the fire smaller (taking off for now), inserted the thermometer, restaurant supply nj and waited for the temperature arrived at 65 C accurate. At that point, using a spoon I de
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