Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Article 5 The operator of feed must ensure that all stages of production, processing and distributi

Table of Contents I. General gianni cuperlo Provisions II. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures 1. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures using the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice 1.1. Production 1.2. Quality control 1.3. Storage and transport 1.4. Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices 2. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures apply the principles of good hygiene practice 3. Conditions for the assessment procedures by the principle of self-control HACCP 4. Keep the documentation III. Final Provisions I. General Provisions Article 1 This Rulebook shall prescribe the conditions for the assessment of self-control gianni cuperlo procedures that subject in the field of animal feed used in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing and hygiene practices and HACCP. Article 2 The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to: 1) feed production in households that do not enter the food chain; 2) the production of food for animals not used for food production; 3) production of feed for farm supply local small amounts of feed; 4) production of feed on the farm for their own needs; 5) pet food. Article 3 The terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) additives for animal gianni cuperlo feed are approved substances or microorganisms used in foods for animals and affect its nutritional properties; 2) mixes are products with a high content gianni cuperlo of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and feed additives, which are homogeneously mixed with the carrier are used for feeding animals in combination with nutrients to produce mixtures; 3) Good Manufacturing gianni cuperlo Practice in the food business for animals (hereinafter referred to as Good Manufacturing Practice) is part of a quality assurance system that achieves to feed consistently and continuously produce and check the appropriate quality standards in accordance with its intended purpose; 4) good hygiene practice is a set of measures and conditions necessary to control hazards and to make the necessary hygienic conditions during feed production. . II. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures
Article 4. The operator feed in the assessment of self-control procedures in the field of animal feed applies the principles of good manufacturing and hygiene practices and HACCP, under the conditions established by this Ordinance and other regulations on animal feed. . 1. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures by applying the principles of good manufacturing practice
Article 5 The operator of feed must ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution of food for animals taking place in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing practice. Food business operator for animals used for food production take measures, adopt and apply the prescribed procedures to the risks of biological, chemical and physical contamination of feed down to the smallest possible part. Article 6 The operator gianni cuperlo of feed during mixing the feed with the use of supplements or premixes, supplements except for silage, acting in accordance with this Rule. The operator of feed used and use feed only from establishments which are registered or approved, gianni cuperlo in accordance with special regulations. . 1.1. Production
Article 7 In the production of animal feed (hereinafter referred to as production) food business operator for animals must have the permanent employee who is responsible for the implementation of good manufacturing practice. The subject gianni cuperlo in the field of animal feed, shall be required to introduce and implement documented procedures based on hazard analysis, control and critical control points, in accordance with Article 19 of these Regulations. In order to prevent or eliminate the harmful effects of a phenomenon of cross-contamination and errors in production, take the technical and organizational measures, in accordance gianni cuperlo with special regulations. gianni cuperlo During production must be provided a sufficient number of adequate resources for the implementation of control. The operator feed monitor the presence of prohibited and undesirable substances in animal feed and other contaminants that affect human and animal health, and must be introduced and appropriate control strategies to reduce the level of risk. The production must isolate and identify waste and materials which are not suitable to be used as animal feed. All materials containing risk amount of veterinary drugs, contaminants gianni cuperlo and other hazards must be disposed of properly and may not be used as animal feed. The subject in the field of animal feed must, at all stages of production, ensure traceability so as to identify each entity from which procures and supplies which continue to feed or any substance that is being installed or are expected to be incorporated into the feed. The subject in the field of animal feed must establish a system gianni cuperlo and procedures, which ensure the availability of data

Monday, March 30, 2015

Content and Recitals retigo II General sanitary-hygienic conditions 1. Location and environment of

Content and Recitals retigo II General sanitary-hygienic conditions 1. Location and environment of the object 2. Supply facility water drain third wastewater 4. Removal retigo of solid waste 5. Conditions in terms of premises Production premises warehouse spaces Utility retigo rooms III Special sanitary-hygienic conditions retigo 1. Industrial Facilities 2. Craft Facilities 3. Facilities for the distribution of foodstuffs 4. Facilities for the production and sale of items of general use IV Transitional provisions I Introductory Provisions Article 1 This Rulebook shall prescribe the sanitary and hygienic conditions for facilities that provide services in the production and distribution of foodstuffs and consumer retigo goods, in terms of the location, environment, construction, planning, water supply, sewage disposal, removal of solid waste materials, facilities and equipment, except for objects of water supply organizations retigo and industrial and handicraft facilities for slaughtering of animals, , processing and storage of products of animal retigo origin. Article 2 Units that provide services in the production and distribution of foodstuffs and consumer goods, in terms of the regulations, are: 1) industrial plants for the production of foodstuffs (hereinafter referred to as industrial facilities); 2) facilities for the production and distribution of foodstuffs retigo at fashioned way (hereinafter referred to as artisanal retigo objects); 3) facilities for the distribution of foodstuffs; 4) facilities for production and sale of general use; 5) catering facilities for the provision of accommodation, food and drinks (hereinafter referred to as restaurants). Article 3 The catering facilities, in terms of sanitary and hygienic conditions, the provisions of the Regulation on Classification, Minimum Requirements and types of facilities ("Official Gazette retigo of the Republic of Serbia", no. 66/94 and 3/95). II General sanitary-hygienic conditions
Article 4 General sanitary-hygienic conditions, in terms of the regulations, are requirements in terms of the location, environment, construction, planning, water supply, sewage disposal, removal of solid waste materials, premises and equipment, referring to all the objects referred to in Article 2 items. 1) to 4) of this Rule. 1. Location and environment facility
Article 5 Facilities that provide services in the production and distribution of foodstuffs and consumer goods (hereinafter referred to as buildings) were built of solid material and locate in a dry and ocednom land, and if they are built on soils with a high ground water, insulate the in accordance with prescribed technical standards. Facilities may not be located next to the garbage, landfill, repaired toilets, open channels, factories that emit gases, vapor, fumes, dust, near other objects that may have adverse effects on the hygienic conditions in the house, or hygienic safety of food in them, the places where they may endanger the conditions of residence, or the performance of health, children and social welfare, as well as in locations where the direction of blowing the main winds could adversely affect the hygienic conditions in the house or the surrounding area. Facilities locate in places where the secured supply of energy sources and hygienically-safe water, as well as the possibility of waste water and other waste materials. Available area of the facility shall be governed by, and access roads as object, internal roads and plateaus around the building were built from solid materials (concrete, asphalt, stone, etc.). 2. Supply facility water
Article 6 The building is supplied with drinking water from public water supply network or from their own wells, which provide a constant supply of building a sufficient amount of liquid water hygienically. Article 7 In all places where water consumption is possible pollution network (valve with thread, other connections for washing, terminations tubes immersed in water, retigo etc.) Are set to return valves against siphoning, immediately behind the taps, or other types of connections. 3rd drain waste water
Article 8 The objects are connected to the public sewerage system, and in the villages, and other locations, which have developed public sewerage system, the object is connected retigo to its own sewage system with devices retigo for filtering (sedimentation tanks, biological filters, etc.), In accordance with sanitary regulations and regulations on water protection and the environment. In areas where water is used to provide drainage in a manner that prevents spillage of waste water per floor area. To drain water temperatures between 0 C and higher, there is a corresponding number of drains, which have an appropriate system (traps, metal bars, etc.) To prevent the return of odors and rodents from entering sewers. Sewer pipes are not installed or enforced through the working areas in which processing is performed, processing and storage retigo of food. In these rooms are not raised manholes Audit network. Waste water contaminated with aggressive chemical substances, before they enter the sewer system to neutralize. 4. Removal of solid waste

Sunday, March 29, 2015

(4) There is a significant difference in terms of concepts, principles and procedures between the f

Contents Preamble Scope and definitions. General Food Law General principles of food law principles of transparency General obligations in the food trade General requirements of food law the European Food Safety Authority Mission and tasks of the organization Operation Independence, transparency, confidentiality and communication Financial Provisions General Provisions Early alert system, crisis management and emergency situations Emergency Procedures and final provisions Committee and Mediation blanker Committee Final provisions. Preamble blanker
(4) There is a significant difference in terms of concepts, principles and procedures between the food laws of the Member States. When Member States adopt measures to regulate the area of food, these differences may impede the free movement blanker of food, may create unequal conditions of competition and thus directly affect blanker the functioning of domestic traffic.
(5) Accordingly, it is necessary blanker to harmonize these concepts, principles and procedures in order to create a common basis for the adoption of measures to regulate the area of food and feed, and undertaken in member countries and within the Community. However, it is necessary to provide sufficient time for the removal of all legal collision between the provisions in existing legislation, both at the level of Member States and at Community level, and ensure, as these differences are not eliminated, the application of relevant legislation on the basis of the principles blanker laid down in this Regulation.
including chemical and microbiological contaminants. However, since the quality of water for human consumption is already regulated by Council Directives 80/778 / EEC () and 98/83 / EC (), water is considered to be correct if the conditions defined in Article 6 of Directive 98/83 / EC.
(7) In terms of food law, it is necessary to include the requirements for feed, including its production and use of animals used in food production. This is not inconsistent with similar requirements which have so far applied blanker and which will continue to apply, and which relate to feed and apply to all animals, including pets.
(8) The position of the Community that there must be a high level of protection you would expect in the preparation of food law, which is applied in the same way, regardless of whether it comes to food or feed in domestic or international traffic.
(9) It is necessary to ensure full confidence of consumers, other stakeholders and trading partners in decision-making processes that form the basis of food law, its scientific basis and the structure and independence of institutions for the protection of health and other issues of interest.
(10) Experience has shown that it is necessary to adopt measures to guarantee that the food that is unsafe will not be placed on the market, as well as the provision of a system for the identification and resolution of problems of food safety to ensure proper functioning of the internal traffic, as well as health people. It is necessary to initiate and similar issues related to feed safety.
it is necessary to draw up a detailed food law and cover a wide range of provisions that have a direct or indirect impact on food safety and animal feed, which would include provisions on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, feed and other agricultural inputs at the level of primary production.
(12) In order to ensure food safety, it is necessary to consider all aspects of the food chain, which is a continuation of primary production, including the production of feed, up to sales, including the sale or supply to the consumers of food, since each element can affect on food safety.
(13) Experience has shown that it is therefore necessary to consider the production, manufacture, transport and distribution of food for animals blanker used for food production, including blanker the production of animals that can be used as food in fish farms, since the accidental or deliberate contamination of food for animals, changes to the composition, fraud or other similar activities may directly or indirectly affect the safety of food.
(15) The creation of a network of accredited laboratories, at the regional and / or interregional level in order to ensure continuous monitoring of food safety, blanker could play an important role in the prevention of health risks for citizens.
(16) The measures taken by Member blanker States and the Community adopted, which regulate the area of food and feed should generally be based on risk analysis except where this is not possible due to
(17) When the goal of food law reduction, elimination or avoidance of a risk to health, the three interconnected components of risk analysis - risk assessment, risk management and exchange of information on risk - will enable the systematic application of the methodology laying blanker down effective, blanker proportionate and targeted measures or other activities that aim to protect health.
(19) It was noted that scientific risk assessment alone

Article 3 Certain tanake terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) drinking tanake wa

Contents I. Introductory provisions II. Terms of food hygiene 1. General in the food 2. The conditions of food hygiene in primary production and activities related to primary production 3.1. General Requirements for facilities and premises where food business operators Conditions for objects 3.2. Specific conditions for mobile and temporary facilities 3.3. Conditions relating to transport 3.4. Conditions relating to equipment, waste, water, personal hygiene, food, wrapping and packaging of food, heat treatment and training requirements relating to equipment III. Transitional and Final Provisions I. Introductory provisions. Subject of regulation
Article 2 The provisions tanake of this Ordinance shall not apply to: 1) primary production for the needs of their household; 2) the preparation, handling or storage of food for the needs of their household; tanake 3) direct supply of small quantities of primary products to supplying the final consumer or to local retail facility that directly tanake supplies the final consumer, which is carried out in accordance with special regulations; 4) collection centers and facilities for the tanning tanake of the skin, which in accordance with the law governing food safety dealing with food only in terms of handling the raw materials for the production of gelatine or collagen.
Article 3 Certain tanake terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) drinking tanake water is water in accordance with special regulations meet the minimum requirements set for the quality of water intended for public tanake supply of drinking water; 2) equivalence is the ability of different systems to achieve those goals; 3) contamination is the presence or introduction tanake of a hazard; 4) the competent authority is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the responsibilities defined by the law governing food safety, as well as the appropriate authority of another country, whose competence is established in the regulations of that country; 5) unprocessed products are products that have not undergone processing, including products tanake that have been divided, cut off, sliced, tanake boned, crushed, skinned, minced, chopped, cleaned, processed, peeled, minced crushing, chilled, frozen, deep-frozen or thawed; 6) facility is a business unit of any food business operator; 7) wrapping is putting food in a wrapper or container (container) that are in direct contact tanake with food, and the wrapper or container; 8) packing tanake is placing one or more units of food wrapped in another tanake container, and to include the second tanake vessel; 9) movable and temporary facilities are where the food business operator, as follows: (1) the movable and / or temporary structures, such as tents, stalls in markets and mobile sales vehicles, (2) objects that are primarily used as private living quarters, and which foods are regularly prepared for the purpose of placing on the market, (3) vending machines; 10) activities related to primary production include: (1) transport, storage and handling of primary products at the place of production, provided that this does not substantially change the characteristics of the products, (2) the transport tanake of live animals, where appropriate, that carried out in conjunction with the primary production; (3) transportation for delivery of primary products of plant origin, fishery tanake products and wild animals, provided that this does not substantially alter their characteristics; 11) processing is any process that significantly changes the initial product, including heating, smoking, curing, maturing, drying, marinating, extraction, extrusion or a combination of these processes; 12) processed products are products resulting from the processing of raw products and which may contain ingredients that are necessary tanake for their manufacture or to give them specific characteristics; 13) primary products are products of primary production tanake including products of agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting and fishing; tanake 14) food hygiene measures are the requirements that are necessary to control hazards and food safety in human consumption, taking account of its intended tanake use; 15) hermetically sealed container is container tanake that is designed specifically to prevent exposure to risk its contents; 16) pure water is clean seawater and fresh water of similar quality; 17) Clean seawater tanake is natural, artificial or purified seawater or salty water that does not contain micro-organisms, harmful substances or toxic marine plankton in quantities tanake that may directly or indirectly tanake affect the safety of food. . II. Terms of food hygiene
. The principles in the food business of food Article 4 is based in particular on the following principles: 1) Food Safety greatest responsibility a food business operator; 2) food safety should be ensured at all stages in the food chain, from primary production; 3) for the food that can not safely be stored at room temperature, in particular tanake for frozen food, it is important to maintain the cold chain; 4) general application procedures which are based

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Contents talus issaquah I. Introductory provisions II. General conditions of hygiene feed III. Spec

Contents talus issaquah I. Introductory provisions II. General conditions of hygiene feed III. Special conditions of feed hygiene 1. Requirements feed hygiene in primary production and operations in connection with primary production 2. The conditions of food hygiene at all stages of production, talus issaquah processing and transportation, except in primary talus issaquah production and operations talus issaquah in connection with primary production third Terms feed hygiene in animal feed - a good practice in animal nutrition 4. Conditions feed hygiene relating to the registration and approval of establishments IV. Transitional and Final Provisions I. Introductory provisions Subject Planning
Article 2 The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all stages of production, processing and transport of feed and feeding of animals used for food production (hereinafter referred to as feeding the animals), except for: 1) the production of animal feed in own household, which is intended to: (1) animals used for food production for the needs of their households, (2) animals that are not used for food production; 2) the feeding of animals for your household or for the direct supply of small quantities of primary products to supplying the final consumer or to local retail facility that directly supplies the final consumer, which is carried out in accordance with special regulations; 3) feeding the animals that are not used for food production; 4) supplying the feed that was obtained in primary production and which the manufacturer supplies the farms to local small quantities for use on those farms; 5) retail sales of pet food.
Article 3 The terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) additives for animal feed are substances or microorganisms which are in accordance with special regulations approved talus issaquah for use in animal feed; 2) building is any building unit which carries on business feed; 3) the competent authority is the ministry talus issaquah responsible for the implementation of official control of feed, as well as the appropriate authority of another country whose competence is established in the regulations of that country; 4) activities related to primary production of feed (hereinafter talus issaquah referred to as activities related to primary production) talus issaquah include: - transport, storage and handling of primary products at the place of production, - transport operations in order to deliver primary products from the place of production to a certain object , - mixing of feed that is used solely for the purpose of their own holdings without using additives or premixes additives, except for silage additives; talus issaquah 5) business feed mean any activity, whether public or private, which is done for profit earning or not, at any stage of production, processing and trade of animal feed; 6) primary talus issaquah production of feed (hereinafter referred to as primary production) is the production of agricultural products, including in particular growing, harvesting, milking, breeding animals (prior to slaughter) or fishing, where the agricultural products do not undergo any operations after harvest, collection or catch, except a simple physical treatment; 7) the needs of your household might be the production and use of feed and food for their own use; 8) mixes are products talus issaquah with a high content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and feed additives, talus issaquah which are homogeneously mixed with the carrier are used for feeding animals in combination with nutrients to produce mixtures; 9) placing on the market is keeping feed for sale, including offering for sale or other form of transmission, talus issaquah with or without compensation, as well as its sales, distribution and other forms of transfer; 10) entity in the field of animal feed (hereinafter: food business talus issaquah operator) is the natural or legal person or entrepreneur, responsible for fulfilling the legal conditions talus issaquah for feed which is operated; 11) breeding unit for animals (hereinafter: breeding units) is closed space where the animals are kept, kept, bred and placed on the market. 12) stages of production, processing and transport of feed (hereinafter referred to as stage of production, processing and transport) is any part of the production, processing talus issaquah and trade, including import and export of animal feed, primary talus issaquah production of feed, finishing, processing , storage, transport, talus issaquah sale or supply of food for animals; 13) hygiene of feed, are the measures, talus issaquah procedures and conditions necessary to control hazards and ensuring food safety for animals in accordance with its intended purpose; 14) the feed is any substance talus issaquah concentrations or product, including additives, which are processed, partially processed or unprocessed and intended for oral animal feeding. . II. General conditions of hygiene feed
Article 4 In the field of animal feed at all stages of production, talus issaquah processing and p

2990 din

Daily Mail / MA | 18. 03. 2015. - 22: 12h | Photo: BBC / Wild Pictures | Comments: 30
One of the world's most popular fast food restaurant chains KFC sells 400 pieces of chicken in a minute, and now for the first time we have the opportunity to see the conditions on farms that supplied them 23 million chickens per year.
The documentary, which was shown last night on BBC1 shows the birds that live in their own excrement, the conditions for that animal protection activists say they are "raw", while farm owners claim to have "a good life".
Tens of thousands of chickens live in huge halls just 35 days before they are suppressed gas on one of the farms was recorded around 34,000 chickens, huddled in the hall with a small window. When they reach the desired size, chickens killed by releasing gas, after which they tranžiraju into nine parts and sent to the warehouse, which supplies KFC restaurants across the country.
In the UK there are about 1,000 farms that supply KFC restaurants with 23 pieces of chicken per year. Breeder Andrew says that chickens salmon days on his farm and eat and drink until they reach the desired weight salmon days and to have a good life and that he "would not mind being in a place like living like a chicken."
Documentary film, however, shows a different picture. The chickens salmon days are walking salmon days in their own feces, for which the sawdust strewn across the floor has taken on a brownish color. Andrew, who has more than 35 years of experience, does not see any problem.
"These birds live squeezed together in huge halls with no windows, surrounded by the stench of ammonia. A large number of dying from hunger salmon days or dehydration. salmon days Every year in the country produce stink about 900 million of these birds, and about 30 million dying in the halls. "
Nevertheless, a spokesman for KFC says that animal welfare is essential for high quality food and that is important to their customers, and therefore all their suppliers comply with the relevant requirements of the UK and EU.
That's right - so it should look. Who is harbored chickens salmon days known to adult chickens chips can remain pure maximally 1.5 to 2 days, mainly just over adds a new layer, and between rounds is all cleaned and disinfected. The windows do not need them, because above have ventilation system. And have a place to walk through, which is evident in the pictures to the work. These are quite ok conditions, better could only have been grown in the open, but it is intended for a different market, not the cheap fast food.
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Friday, March 27, 2015

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

This was mainly due to increase in clothing and footwear, vegetables and potatoes, fuel prices and t

This was mainly due to increase in clothing and footwear, vegetables and potatoes, fuel prices and the decline in fruit and berries, passenger air transport services, telephone equipment and services. State and municipal institutions mafran regulated consumer goods and services increased by 0.1 per cent. Market - by 0.8 percent. State and municipal authorities administered price changes on monthly general consumer goods and services price change was 0.02 percent, while the market mafran price rises accounted for 0.68 percentage points. mafran The food and non-alcoholic beverages mafran prices increased for vegetables and potatoes - by 15.5 per cent., Milk and milk products, cheese, eggs - 1.3, butter, oils and fats - 1.1, mineral resto concept water, soft drinks and juices - 0 6 percent., while prices for fruits and berries - 4.2, coffee, tea, cocoa - 2.3 percent. The transport of goods and services, mostly - 9 percent. - Was recorded for liquefied gas for cars, 2.1 percent. - Diesel fuel, 1.5 percent. mafran - Petrol, while prices for passenger resto concept air transport services - 15.3 percent., Bicycles - 1.5, driving training services - 1.1 percent. In 2013. September, annual inflation stood at 0.4 percent. and was 3 percentage points lower than in 2012. September inflation. resto concept The annual resto concept inflation rate was mainly due to food and non-alcoholic beverages, hotels, cafes and restaurants, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, health care products and services, appreciation and communication of goods and services, resto concept housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, and transport goods depreciation and services. mafran More related articles favorable to the consumer price trends leads to a significantly lower inflation have adopted the euro at restaurants to pay more Linas Simonis, "large discounts Lithuanians mafran resto concept do not need to - still good buys" Beekeepers Association president: "honey spoiled, resto concept and shopping centers Producer prices resto concept fell in Europe, Lithuania - had It is strictly prohibited mafran to "Western Express" published copy, and distribute resto concept the information on other websites, traditional media or otherwise without written permission from the publishers. Content mafran usage rules. Optimism in the job market shrinks News Linen King Show 'From the ... to: "I have neither family nor own home" At night 11 C 11 m / s This weekend they married in Klaipeda (32) Searching for missing klaipedieciai Donato resto concept Montvydo bike crossing: dismount mafran or ride? (34) On Saturday, October 26th, Klaipeda marry Mr. Mayor, why in Klaipeda good place to live? (45) seaport expected strong wind (11) Mr. Mayor, why in Klaipeda good place to live? (45) Bicycle crossing: dismount or ride? (34) This weekend they married in Klaipeda (32) Fatal accident in Klaipeda case to the court (19) Bus crash injured five minors (18) Vyacheslav Titov disliked peers and (17) The wife while battling mafran with a man. Man's response Popular search phrases: Sea Festival 2013, Ruth Meilutyte, resto concept Lyme disease, Oksana Pikul naked, Decoupage, John Valanciunas, iruna Puzaraitė, klaipedos arena, marina Daščenka, fingernail fungus, the latest movies, nudist beach photo, bike shops Vilnius, naked women, Undernet bicycle, Oksana Pikul, olialia, Sbs, hairstyles resto concept for long hair, thyroid,, FC Klaipeda, short hair, nijole Pareigyte, lamps, large tree planting askaridoze, klaipedos streets, resto concept accounting, lenses, Real estate in Klaipeda, tv program milda bartašiūnaitė, bike shop Klaipeda, swimwear resto concept online, nijole Pareigyte, Klaipeda, center, porsche, Northern Lights, bicycles, labor exchange, news, batteries, large trees growing, Undernet, creative industries, VST, accounting, Invision, Lithuanian Morning mafran , tornadoes, FEZ, Miss Lithuania 2010 FIBA World Championship, the Lithuanian team, guarantee mafran fund, Andrew Butkus, Dance with me, Linas Kleiza, Herb, Irma Jurgelevičiūtė, Knowledge: Lithuania Klaipeda Criminal Sports Health Economics mafran Culture Society World Leisure TV Hot Sea Projects resto concept Galleries Videos resto concept mafran Opinion Competitions Subscription Advertise Contact Us Classifieds Archive TV Program Vintage mafran Year of Klaipeda Klaipeda Klaipeda watercolor My Handsome Gallery History of the City of Klaipeda top-10 most stylish Klaipeda mafran Klaipeda Park History Museum of the Sea of Hope running Klaipeda news stories in English ►  2015 (81) ►  March (26) ►  February (26) ►  January (29) ►  2014 (397) ►  December (25) ►  November (33) ►  October (32) ►  September (40) ►  August (41) ►  July (37) ►  June (37) ►  May (29) ►  April (11) ►  March (39) ►  February resto concept (33) ►  January (40) ▼  2013 (131) ►  resto concept December (35) ►  November (32) ▼  October (43) Community (176) Artists Cervinia / Zermatt ski length

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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New hote de bucatarie York Daily News WACO, Texas (AP) — Baylor center Isaiah hote de bucatarie Austin has been forced to end his basketball career after being diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. Austin was found to have Marfan syndrome, a disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue. Baylor hote de bucatarie coach … Genetic disorder will keep Baylor star out of NBAFOXSports.com Isaiah Austin’s Playing Career OverESPN Draft prospect Isaiah Austin is diagnosed with career-ending medical hote de bucatarie conditionFort Worth Star Telegram Detroit Free Press -NBCSports.com hote de bucatarie all 55 news articles …read more
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Monday, March 23, 2015

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

The channel was German preserve, until in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles, Article 321 thereof, decla

The 201 anniversary of the Treaty of Kiel Today marks. It is a treaty between Sweden and Denmark, mainly on the sovereignty of Norway. He has no interest except that when I heard Kiel, reminded me the third channel, the great forgotten.
When speaking pizzeria michele napoli of artificial canals pizzeria michele napoli in the world think of two main, the Suez and the Panama. However, as I say, there is a third large proportions worldwide and is even greater distance than the Panama Canal. pizzeria michele napoli It's called Kiel Canal links the North Sea with the Baltic Sea, to which would be the basis of Denmark, seen on a map, and having a distance of no less than 98 km.
Its historical origins of a system based on a river channel, a little further north, called channel Eider, because it uses the flow of this river, which was built in 1784. It was shallow (only 3 meters) but it was very long and allowed the flow of ships of the time, because we are talking about nothing less than 5 years before the French Revolution. However, with the expansion of Prussia and the German Empire of the nineteenth century, Kaiser Wilhelm I, considered necessary for a channel already considerable dimensions, which allow the flow of boats from Germany to the world without skirting was initiated Denmark. So in 1887, laid the foundation stone of this artificial canal, near Holtenau, very close to Kiel, who was the one who finally gave the name to the canal area.
It was the time of construction of large canals, large engineering projects, and for this crowd of manpower was needed. More than 8,900 employees worked pizzeria michele napoli on the canal, it took no less than 18 years to complete. In 1895 it opened, before the cameras of brand new invention of cinema, one of the first recordings of "ribbon cutting" that still remain. This recording is still stored in the London Science Museum.
The channel was German preserve, until in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles, Article 321 thereof, declares international transit area with German domination. This status remained until 1936, when Hitler pizzeria michele napoli broke this condition. pizzeria michele napoli Since 1945, after the defeat of the Third Reich, he was again free transit.
The canal is 11 feet deep and 102 wide, making it the main trade route from the Baltic Sea area. In fact, in 2008 he went through some 40,000 ships, one of the most used sea lanes of the world, in fierce competition with the Panama Canal and Suez.
A curious pizzeria michele napoli fact, that makes it look human complexity in terms of geography and geo-strategy is that years later, men built their "complementary", the Oresund bridge between Denmark and Sweden. It seems that men always want to go against nature and build a canal and a bridge, to do exactly the opposite. Yes, the two works, mammoth, much better communications. Basically, yes faith that moves mountains.
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Welcome to Mafran Cabs, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. Started recently with car rentals we have now ent

Welcome to Mafran Cabs, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. Started recently with car rentals we have now entered into air ticketing mousometer and providing tour packages, we owe to become the best one-stop agency for all your traveling needs shortly. We focus to fulfill what we say and what we do. We realized the travel management services required by corporations were beyond the resources of most travel agencies. We understood the need to customize and personalize corporate and individual travel programs. mousometer We have been successful till now and have lots to offer u in future. Our team of professionals is well experienced, dedicated and much friendlier to ensure the total trip a pleasure. Mafran Cabs continues to grow in spite of the fact that this is a very challenging time in the travel industry. While many companies may choose to be overly conservative, we feel it is important mousometer to move ahead, aggressively building mousometer on our strengths and realizing that future mousometer growth mousometer relies on taking advantage of opportunities and embracing the right situations when they present themselves. All of us at Mafran Cabs are committed to satisfy all your travel-related needs. All you have to do is trust us with your travel idea and objective and leave the rest to us. Watch us how we deliver and grow. We invite your feedbacks either positive or negative which are valuable for our success. We look forward to serve you!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Last news Lisa Colagrossi, WABC-TV reporter, suffers fatal brain aneurysm while on assignment Lisa C

Home johnnies restaurant supply NY Daily Days before NBA draft, Isaiah Austin diagnosed with Mafran syndrome, career-ending johnnies restaurant supply genetic disorder johnnies restaurant supply Days before NBA draft, Isaiah Austin diagnosed with Mafran syndrome, career-ending johnnies restaurant supply genetic johnnies restaurant supply disorder johnnies restaurant supply
Jamie Squire/Getty Images As a sophomore, Isaiah Austin averages 12.1 points and 6.9 rebounds for Baylor. WACO, Texas (AP) Baylor center Isaiah Austin has been forced to end his basketball career after being diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder.
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Last news Lisa Colagrossi, WABC-TV reporter, suffers fatal brain aneurysm while on assignment Lisa Colagrossi, WABC-TV reporter, suffers fatal brain aneurysm while on assignment Second Person Dies After Taxi Jumps Curb in the Bronx

Friday, March 20, 2015

Hospital director of before hand (provided that the fact has been erased from the memory of Windurs

Hospital director of before hand (provided that the fact has been erased from the memory of Windurst of people by the hand of the person). Tribes tartar. Has the nickname of "Puppet", Fuepepe, but was expected in the future from that it was Il di Gorudi from and synchronization performance Best's, the quality is like had Niowase something somewhere dangerous, Korumoru I was wondering the recommendation to the hospital director of hand. After all I will be appointed to the hospital director of hand in that there are di Gorudi was hospital director candidates of the same hand has lost the magic to border the term accident. However, over the magic to take the memory suddenly one day to those who know him, and dazzling the whereabouts and erase his existence from Windurst. Although then was long lost, took an in-researcher of the storage of the nose that a survey recently huge Crystal, rumors are collecting the force is not challenged the adventurers many times to the "great things" me hear. Although its purpose is not known, from his behind shield of unscrupulous merchants Honoigomoi called descendant of hospital director during inauguration of hand "Mage vortex", temporarily deficit also-in the hands of million years deficit from the fact that there is a fact that you are allowed to break away, it seems to be that the plotting gastroplus that bran something Yokara. gastroplus "...... Ha ha ha, is just that. The truth of taste's What? Mind would hurts? Would be painful?" "...... It's as thy went. If for this purpose, I fun any effort. I unexpected given up. Never give up unexpected gastroplus .... "Summoner artifacts (Ebokaataia) available towards the quest of villain. His dark Madou whiff is very good feeling. See also Hen [Ildy-Goldy] [Uran-Mafran / spoilers]
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The ponderosa trading company Archbishop of Cotabato, Orlando Quevedo OMI DD, during his pastoral vi

It ponderosa trading company is from Mary that we learn to serve the Church in a special way. "Since their vocation is to be in today's world a special presence of Mary, doing God's work in her way, Marists bear in mind this woman who by a gracious choice called them and gave them her name". (Marist Fathers' Constitutions, 144).
T his was the first day in the month of May in the village of Mafran looking at the side where the hydro will be build. The local government officers were invited, I was thinking it is good for them and the people to think that they own the project.
The sand for building the tank for the hydro, and cementing the pipe and other cement works was being brought up by horses from a river two or three kilometers away. The elevation also is quite steep from the river to the hydro side.
The day of the field trip of the students from the Mafran Elementary School to the Hydro site. Engineer Nick Govind in the green T-Shirt explaining ponderosa trading company the Hydro to the children. The Children also did a little work, again for them to own the project and Nick stressed that point, "Children this hydro belongs to you, you own this hydro"
The ponderosa trading company Archbishop of Cotabato, Orlando Quevedo OMI DD, during his pastoral visitation, visited Timanan. This was the time Nick was painting ponderosa trading company the two turbines for Itaw and Mafran. We found out the the Archbishop is a professional painter. He put the finishing touches to the turbines. We thank you Archbishop for visiting us. The two turbines were being built and fabricated in Cotabato City by Engineer Nick himself. It is indeed a blessing ponderosa trading company for Timanan to have Nick with us. Fr. Aliki Langi,sm
Marist Fathers & Brothers Australia Marist Fathers & Brothers Oceania Marist International English Novitiate Marist Thai-Burma Mission Marist Fathers & Brothers Ireland Marist Fathers & Brothers New Zealand
▼  2009 (6) ▼  October ponderosa trading company (6) ▼  Oct 28 (4) The Hydro Electric Plant in Mafran Blessing of the Mini Hydro Electric Plant in the v... Inauguration of the Mini Hydro Electric Plant in t... The Story of a Mountain Parish ►  Oct 27 (2)
Marist Fathers Timanan Mission South Upi, Maguindanao, Philippines We belong ponderosa trading company to the religious congregation of the Society ponderosa trading company of Mary. We are known as Marists. As Marists we take the mother of Jesus as our model. Timanan mission is a community of the Marist Fathers in the District of the Philippines.The community is composed of two priests and a Lay Marist Missionary namely Fr. Aliki Langi,sm, Fr. Lionel Mechavez,sm ponderosa trading company & Renan Laurente View my complete profile
The Parish was administered by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate ponderosa trading company for the past 30 years. On June 18, 2006, the Oblates handed over the Parish to the Marist Fathers. The first group of Marists were Fr. Aliki Langi (Tonga), Fr. Anggong Ingente (Philippines) & Fr. Cyr Abaligbe (Africa) ponderosa trading company
The Municipality ponderosa trading company of Timanan, South Upi, has a population of 29,000 of which 28% are Catholics. Tedurays are the main tribal people of this area; there are also the Illongo, Cebuano, Ilocano and the Muslim people. The whole area is mountainous. Most people are farmers, tilling plots of land on the mountain sides, planting corn, root crops, and upland rice.
In our continues effort to provide Basic Health Care especially for the indigenous people in the Parish, the Marist community organized another Medical Mission that was held last September 29, 2009 in Brgy. Itaw South Upi Maguindanao. The following day we moved to another place for same mission in Sitio Mafran ponderosa trading company Brgy Pillar South Upi Maguindanao. We’re thankful to Dra. Ruby Simon (A Lay Marist Mission Partner) from Davao who travelled many hours to be with us, and to be part of our healing community, she treated more than 100 patients. Thank you also to Fr. Glyn of Australian province & to the Partners in Marist Mission in Davao for their financial support. We could not impact so many lives without your support. Fye Bagi! Salamat!
Notable events during Fiesta celebration include: Singing contests, beauty contests and many more various events ponderosa trading company for the people to enjoy. During the Patronal Fiesta in Sitio Mafran, Renan entertained the people by rendering his favorite song ‘Hotel California’. People have enjoyed the celebration. I’ve been told that this is the most celebrated fiesta they have encountered.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Economist: Petrobras Must Serve Brazil

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The Economist: Petrobras Must Serve Brazil
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yup, with either CPU (i5 or i7) + GTX 970 you need approximately 340W on full load

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Hi, as a newbie, me and my son deciced to built our own game pc. First thing we tried, is to go via the site pc-builder.(it's a canadian site so i presume prices are in canandian dollars) But this is way over my budget. So I'm convinced it can be done cheaper. So that's why I need information from the experts in the field - and that you guys. Main goal of the build: restaurant supply boston playing games League of Legends, restaurant supply boston Field 4, etc... Further more he should be ok to do the normal restaurant supply boston house tasks, internet , homework & etc.. This is the build the site gave me: 1 x Intel Haswell i7-4790 LGA1150 3.6GHz Processor BX80646I74790 342 1 x Asus SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK2 LGA1150 DDR3 Motherboard ATX 197 1 x Corsair restaurant supply boston Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1600MHz Memory CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 113 1 x Samsung 850 PRO 256GB SATA 6.0 SSD MZ-7KE128BW 200 1 x Sapphire Radeon TRI-X R9 290X 4GB GDDR5 OC UEFI Video Card 11226-00-40G 429 1 x Asus XONAR DSX 7.1Channel Gaming Sound Card 73 1 x Asus 16X Blu-Ray CD-DVD restaurant supply boston SATA Optical Drive BW-16D1HT 116 1 x Corsair Hydro Series H60 Intel/AMD High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler CW-9060007-WW 77 1 x EVGA SuperNOVA 850 B2 850W Modular Power Supply 110-B2-0850-V1 112 1 x Fractal Design DEFINE R4 TITANIUM GREY Case FD-CA-DEF-R4-TI 124 1 x Microsoft Windows restaurant supply boston 8.1 PRO 64-bit English 1PK DVD OEM FQC-06950 165 1 x Asus 27" Speakers LED LCD Monitor VN279QL 344 1 x Asus Dual-Band Wireless-N600 PCI-E Adapter PCE-N53 45 1 x Seagate Barracuda 2TB 7200RPM SATA 6.0 ST2000DM001 HDD 99 Total Price : 2436 Thx for the input. Rgds Marc
Hey Marc, First of all, what's your budget? Are you nearby stores like Microcenter? So, off to the basics, I'd rather go for the i5-4690k / ASrock Extreme4 combo. It's cheaper and it will do the job just fine. You won't need such big PSU, a quality 550W should be plenty for your hardware having headroom for OC. You can also limit down the budget by removing that H60 and swapping in a Coolermaster Hyper 212 EVO. It competes restaurant supply boston most of the AiO coolers out there and it's really cheap! I would also swap that GPU for a GTX 970, which is considerably faster than the 290x for the same money! Would just drop off that sound card and save some money from there as well and replace the Barracuda for a WD Caviar Black same size but for few bucks less.I can provide a link from pcpartpicker if you'd like. Hope it helps. Regards
Hi marc, couple things for ya 1) As mentioned, gaming purposes, the i7 is a tad overkill, as is the sabertooth motherboard. If you "Really" want it though, thats not a bad setup, just unnecessary. Windows 8.1 and 8.1 pro are the same minus a few networking things. If you REALLY need that stuff fine, but most users wont ever use it, and its a waste of money (unless you found a particularly good deal or own it already) 2) you should be able to get better performance ram for 5-10$ more. 3) drop the sound card, totally not needed. Onboard sound is pretty good now 4) the h60 is pretty terrible for performance oriented computers. You are significantly better off getting a nice air cooler like an nh-d14, nh-d15, or even a meager hyper 212 evo. 5) The monitor... 27" 1080p? I don't know if thats super on sale where you are, but here its around 300$ for that monitor, and its just not worth the money. Step down to a solid 24" 1080p, or step it up to a 1440p 27" monitor for roughly the same cost as your 1080p. 6) r9 290x is a bad purchase right now, the gtx 970 slaughters it for the same cost. Unless AMD has some wicked sales on the 290x, take a pass on it. 7) although that supernova is a great power supply, 850w is absolutely bonkers overkill. With an i7 and r9 290x you would "need" around 500w, with an i5 and 970 you "need" under 400w (closer to 300 if my math isn't horrible). Add in 20% margin, then another 20% for overclock room, you would need a 700w TOPS for the i7/290x and 560w tops for the i5/970 setup. The good news, under 700w cheapens things by quite a margin, and you can still get some great power supplies (I personally love the seasonic m12ii 620w) 8) Here's a more "gamer-centric" build vice the multi threaded i7 power house. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/rKdHbv With the money you aren't spending on the i7, you can get a fancy pants monitor and some cooler peripherals (mech keyboard, proper gaming mouse, headsets, etc etc).
CPU - FX-8320 oc'd to 4515hz OC - 1.35v cpu 215FSB, 21 multi MOBO - Sabertooth 990fx RAM - 8gb G.Skill Sniper restaurant supply boston @ 1800mhz CL8 GPU - XFX R9 290 @ 1106/1350 w Accelero Extreme cooler PSU - CX750M CASE - Custom Case COOLING - Hyper 212 EVO MISC - Crucial M550 256GB, R4 fans x6
Yup, with either CPU (i5 or i7) + GTX 970 you need approximately 340W on full load

Monday, March 16, 2015

While the Fourier transform is a method for changing the seismic waves in the time domain into the

In other words, a seismic wave can be generated by summing several single-frequency sinusoidal wave. Sedangkah a sinusoidal wave is known as Fourier series.
While the Fourier transform is a method for changing the seismic waves in the time domain into the frequency domain. The reverse process is Inversion Fourier transform (Inverse Fourier Transform). Both images above courtesy: Margrave G. et al., Consortium for Research in Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology, The University of Calgary.
Fourier term used to honor Joseph Fourier (176 8 - 1830), mathematician solving partial differential equations of heat diffusion model, he solved it by using infinite series of trigonometric functions. Joseph palitodedente Fourier Photo is courtesy of Wikipedia.
Any material, good writing, math equations and images contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. Every article, equality and images taken from elsewhere given authorization information. palitodedente Authors make every effort to respect the copyright of the work of others and seeks to peruse on copyright agreements. If the author made a mistake, and the copyright owner objected, the author is willing to revoke the picture, writing, and equality contained in this blog. Because this blog is intended for educational purposes, abuse aside for educational purposes beyond the responsibility of the owner of the blog. You are welcome to copy, paraphrase and quote along acknowledgment.

Stimulus diffusion is a form of diffusion that occurs due to the spread of culture in a row. Exampl

Diffusion is the process of cultural dissemination through the displacement of nations. Culture spread due to be carried away by the nations who perform the migration. Thus the process of cultural dissemination occurs through geographical events. According Koentjaraningrat, diffusion is the process of breeding and dispersal or migration movements are accompanied by the adjustment process or the physical and socio-cultural adaptation of human beings within a period of hundreds of thousands of years since the ancient times. In other words, diffusion is a process of deployment of elements of culture throughout the world. restaurant supply tulsa Deployment process in line with the spread of human culture on earth. This diffusion process can also occur without restaurant supply tulsa any displacement of families from one place to another, for example in the presence of certain individuals who bring cultural elements to far sekali.Bentuk other diffusion may be the spread of cultural elements are based on meetings between individuals in a group humans with other groups. The spread of cultural elements through neighboring individual group meetings. Under the process, the diffusion can be classified into several forms. Such forms among others, symbiotic relationship, restaurant supply tulsa relationship pacifique penetration and diffusion stimulus.
Symbiotic relationships occur is hardly changing cultural elements possessed. Examples restaurant supply tulsa of barter relationships that occur during the centuries between Negrito African tribal groups. African tribes provide agricultural products, and Negrito groups provide hunting and forest products. As long as the relationship of each tribal culture has not changed.
Penetration pacifique restaurant supply tulsa is the inclusion elements of culture in the absence of coercion. Examples restaurant supply tulsa ever happened is an element restaurant supply tulsa of culture that was brought in by traders from India to Indonesia. Ramayana and Mahabharata one of which is obtained through public trading activity India to Indonesia. The entry of these cultural elements occur accidentally restaurant supply tulsa into the culture of the local population.
Stimulus diffusion is a form of diffusion that occurs due to the spread of culture in a row. Example A meets B tribes diffusion, diffusion B meets C, C met D diffusion, and so on.
Diffusion process has lasted a very long time. Experts argue that the ancient humans have made the process of diffusion. According to paleoanthropology, estimated humans first appeared in the tropical savanna areas of East Africa, then spread to almost the entire surface of the earth that have different seasons. This dispersion to form a culture that they have today. In this process they undertake physical and cultural adaptation.
The transfer process is done by automated migration and migasi slow and fast and sudden. Slow and automatic migration is the movement that occurs along with the development of man on earth. Humans evolved and need other places to perform the migration. The migration brought along their culture. restaurant supply tulsa Thus, the culture also spread restaurant supply tulsa over the earth's surface along with the spread of humans to look for a place to stay and live.
The rapid and sudden migration is migration caused by outbreaks, natural restaurant supply tulsa disasters, wars, changes lives and livelihoods so forth. Given these events, human conduct quick migration restaurant supply tulsa to another place better and comfortable.
Enculturation is an individual learn and adjust the minds and attitudes to custom, the system of norms, and regulations in its cultural life. Discussed a word enculturation in Indonesia also means "civilizing". Individual alone in his life too often imitate and cultivate various actions after feeling and cultural values that will motivate that mimic the action has been internalized in his personality.
Inculturation is action or movement mengkulturasikan back (reconstruct) the original culture / indigenous or more often called indigenization the origin restaurant supply tulsa he is indigenous (native / indigenous).
Syncretism is mixing elements of the old culture with new cultural elements to form a new culture system. For example, a mixture of traditional religious system in the Java community and Hindu-Buddhist teachings with elements of the teachings of Islam which produces Javanese belief system. This term can refer to the effort to join in and do an analogy on several characteristics restaurant supply tulsa of tradition, especially restaurant supply tulsa in theology and religious mythology, and thus confirms an underlying unity of approach allows to apply inclusive in other religions. Syncretism also occur commonly in literature,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

(3) Duration; innovation ferneto decision process, from start to someone knowing to decide ferneto

Richard Petty and John Cacioppo Elaboration Likelihood Theory is a theory that explains the possibility of humans to evaluate which will be received ferneto critically. This theory describes how a person attempting to evaluate the information obtained both critically and with less critical. Elaboration Likelihood theory is a theory of persuasion, who tried predicting when and how a person will / will not be persuaded by the message. Since humans do not always make a conscious assessment of what he heard. According to this theory there are two kinds of people how to manage information: These Central: elaboration of human conduct (think actively) to the information received critically. These Peripherals: man did not elaborate ferneto and is critical to the information obtained. What action will be done by humans in elaborating messages depend on the motivation, influenced by: involvement or personal relevance. Dissent. Someone Personal tendency towards critical thinking. The ability of the example: In the anti-smoking campaigns. If the message recipients 'take' central line, then he will think about the content of the message. Critical and find out the truth of the facts on the dangers of smoking. If he agrees with the message, he could have quit smoking. But if after deep thought, he felt he could not live without cigarettes, ferneto then behavior will not change. Decisions are taken through 'lane' ferneto is, is strong and steady. If the content of the message receiver ignore the message, then it might take these peripherals. He will judge the credibility of the communicator, the opinions of others, and 'benefits' derived from external things. Decisions / changes in behavior are taken through ferneto this pathway is weak and volatile. Nevertheless, peripherals can be used as an alternative path and stepping stone before it turns into a central line. For example, initially he was not interested in the content of the message, but with high credibility communicators, as well as the encouragement of friends, make him think ualng and pay attention to the content of the message.
INNOVATION DIFFUSION THEORY Innovation Diffusion Theory basically describes the process of how an innovation is communicated (communicated) through certain channels over time to a group of members of the social system. This is consistent with the definition of diffusion of Rogers (1961), that "as the process by the which an innovation is communicated through on certain channels over time Among the members of a social system." Further explained that diffusion is a form of communication that is specifically related ferneto with penyebaranan messages in the form of new ideas, or in terms Rogers (1961) diffusion involves "the which is the spread of a new idea from its source of invention or creation to its ultimate users or adopters." In accordance with Rogers thought, in the process diffusion of innovation ferneto there are four (4) main elements, namely:
(1) Innovation; ideas, actions, or stuff that's new to someone. In this case, the novelty of innovation measured subjectively in the view of the individual who receives ferneto it. If an idea is considered ferneto new by someone then it is an innovation for that person. The concept of 'new' in the innovative ideas do not have to be new at all.
(2) The communication channel; 'Tool' to convey the messages of innovation from the source to the receiver. In selecting a communication channel, the source of the most tidakperlu notice (a) the purpose of the communication (b) the characteristics of the receiver. If the communication is intended to introduce an innovation to the audience that many and widespread, it is more appropriate communication channels, fast and efficient, is the mass media. But if communication is intended ferneto to change attitudes or behavior recipient personally, the most appropriate communication channels are interpersonal channels.
(3) Duration; innovation ferneto decision process, from start to someone knowing to decide ferneto to accept or reject it, and confirmation of the decision is related to the dimension of time. At least visible in the time dimension (a) the decision-making process of innovation (b) a person keinovatifan: relatively more earlier ferneto or later dalammenerima innovation (c) the speed of adoption of innovation in social systems.
At first, even in some of the subsequent developments, Diffusion of Innovations theory is always associated with the process of community development. Innovation is the beginning for social change, and social change is basically ferneto the core of the development of society. Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) explains that the diffusion process is part of the process of social change. Social change a

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Perhaps through Kelirumologinya, Jaya Soeprana find root of the problem ridus that we are facing. I

At a symposium which incidentally is supported by a kelirumologi, a false-keliruan game might be useful. Let's rearrange the above three words into Indonesia Philosophy figure. Certainly interesting to explore and explore how terpesonanya our community on characters and everything that mengonsolidasikannya. This search can be very useful to unravel why the blink of an eye on the figure leads to a cult more charisma than hinted ridus at a depiction thick (thick description) Clifford Geertz.
Or it could be if we try to trace these three words in a triangle René Girard. Indonesia (subject) -> figure (model) -> Philosophy (object) A mimetic desire circulation are always inflated the value of an object without being able to take it away.
Or we insert the word philosophy ridus in this arrangement crossbar. Figure (marker) / Indonesia (signed) Cross separator is now functioning as well as a separator and a threshold pengitaran paradigmatic both words: figure and Indonesia.
Perhaps the illustration above, I would like to convey that since Tan Malaka first published book of philosophy Indonesia, Madilog, until today bios theorethikos still using apparatus similar to the orientation of the mind. However, 72 years later, Logic Mistika who wanted removed Tan Malaka to introduce philosophy Materialist Dialectic Logic, still rooted ridus and increasingly berlukar day.
Perhaps through Kelirumologinya, Jaya Soeprana find root of the problem ridus that we are facing. I want memositkan, may Kelirulogi found Jaya Soeprana describe a mode of life: that our society is more inclined than vita vita activa contemplativa. An active life in which spontaneity of motion become an essential part of a productive life. Erroneous become part persenggolan common life and do not require a proper ridus interval reflexivity can correct direction towards more efficient. Be at the same time without limit and qualify contemplation. Mistakes become part of the creative life of word magic. Completed, the origin is completed, the main reference while the efficiency and repeatability tested the main enemy of vitality productivity.
Two words that we often hear the tone of anger or frustration is inferior and assumptions. ridus From the intensity of such insinuations sometimes ridus we become elated and thinking: aha, a critical wave has been present on the horizon. A condition has been consciously criticized. It turns out that these calls are just expressions taken from the body of habit, then placed ridus on the forehead of the same.
At least now we have two words to explore further reference. What's behind the inferior and assumptions? Why would they be two words most often attached to the habit most people we? What is inferior connotes ridus an inferiority complex? Why had questioned assumptions?
Perhaps minder is not an inferiority complex. ridus Due to the complexity oriented inferiority complex: ridus namely implies an ability to refer to a more complex or a manifestation of the growing complexity of multiple complexities. Or maybe this is another symptom of inferiority ridus complex? ridus Closer: a kind of helplessness or keberingsutan in the presence of complexity? Of course, this is far from the vita activa daily circulation oriented ridus productivity, the complete, original finish, rather than a judgment on the quality and attention to the completion of the procedure.
Perhaps keminderan called refers to a condition of the vita activa, which focus on the vitality of productivity precedes everything, so kemusyawarahan a culture because it saves time and harmony ensure uninterrupted work in the field. The assumption, therefore, ridus is a pragmatic product of cultural ridus child relationship. Not surprisingly, then the assumption is present as a speculation was based arbitration sense of the factors concerned. Such is the inferior satire into an expression which is then reified into an anthropomorphic body of our society.
If the above hypothesis is true, we need to ask this. Is not the vita activa equip skills, and creativity in practice? Then why in a country so rich in natural resources as well as the country's poorest innovation? Reflecting back on the bridge I thought that brought me to this thought fibers.
Could gathering culture conditions also play a role here? Skills and creativity as the productivity of the community for the community and the extent purposes. Where is the pride of skill levels and breakthrough creativity? Are they not demanding slammed ridus in satisfaction of a reference harmony? When my neighbor can bernafkah as a carpenter, I b