Richard Petty and John Cacioppo Elaboration Likelihood Theory is a theory that explains the possibility of humans to evaluate which will be received ferneto critically. This theory describes how a person attempting to evaluate the information obtained both critically and with less critical. Elaboration Likelihood theory is a theory of persuasion, who tried predicting when and how a person will / will not be persuaded by the message. Since humans do not always make a conscious assessment of what he heard. According to this theory there are two kinds of people how to manage information: These Central: elaboration of human conduct (think actively) to the information received critically. These Peripherals: man did not elaborate ferneto and is critical to the information obtained. What action will be done by humans in elaborating messages depend on the motivation, influenced by: involvement or personal relevance. Dissent. Someone Personal tendency towards critical thinking. The ability of the example: In the anti-smoking campaigns. If the message recipients 'take' central line, then he will think about the content of the message. Critical and find out the truth of the facts on the dangers of smoking. If he agrees with the message, he could have quit smoking. But if after deep thought, he felt he could not live without cigarettes, ferneto then behavior will not change. Decisions are taken through 'lane' ferneto is, is strong and steady. If the content of the message receiver ignore the message, then it might take these peripherals. He will judge the credibility of the communicator, the opinions of others, and 'benefits' derived from external things. Decisions / changes in behavior are taken through ferneto this pathway is weak and volatile. Nevertheless, peripherals can be used as an alternative path and stepping stone before it turns into a central line. For example, initially he was not interested in the content of the message, but with high credibility communicators, as well as the encouragement of friends, make him think ualng and pay attention to the content of the message.
INNOVATION DIFFUSION THEORY Innovation Diffusion Theory basically describes the process of how an innovation is communicated (communicated) through certain channels over time to a group of members of the social system. This is consistent with the definition of diffusion of Rogers (1961), that "as the process by the which an innovation is communicated through on certain channels over time Among the members of a social system." Further explained that diffusion is a form of communication that is specifically related ferneto with penyebaranan messages in the form of new ideas, or in terms Rogers (1961) diffusion involves "the which is the spread of a new idea from its source of invention or creation to its ultimate users or adopters." In accordance with Rogers thought, in the process diffusion of innovation ferneto there are four (4) main elements, namely:
(1) Innovation; ideas, actions, or stuff that's new to someone. In this case, the novelty of innovation measured subjectively in the view of the individual who receives ferneto it. If an idea is considered ferneto new by someone then it is an innovation for that person. The concept of 'new' in the innovative ideas do not have to be new at all.
(2) The communication channel; 'Tool' to convey the messages of innovation from the source to the receiver. In selecting a communication channel, the source of the most tidakperlu notice (a) the purpose of the communication (b) the characteristics of the receiver. If the communication is intended to introduce an innovation to the audience that many and widespread, it is more appropriate communication channels, fast and efficient, is the mass media. But if communication is intended ferneto to change attitudes or behavior recipient personally, the most appropriate communication channels are interpersonal channels.
(3) Duration; innovation ferneto decision process, from start to someone knowing to decide ferneto to accept or reject it, and confirmation of the decision is related to the dimension of time. At least visible in the time dimension (a) the decision-making process of innovation (b) a person keinovatifan: relatively more earlier ferneto or later dalammenerima innovation (c) the speed of adoption of innovation in social systems.
At first, even in some of the subsequent developments, Diffusion of Innovations theory is always associated with the process of community development. Innovation is the beginning for social change, and social change is basically ferneto the core of the development of society. Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) explains that the diffusion process is part of the process of social change. Social change a
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