Saturday, March 28, 2015

Contents talus issaquah I. Introductory provisions II. General conditions of hygiene feed III. Spec

Contents talus issaquah I. Introductory provisions II. General conditions of hygiene feed III. Special conditions of feed hygiene 1. Requirements feed hygiene in primary production and operations in connection with primary production 2. The conditions of food hygiene at all stages of production, talus issaquah processing and transportation, except in primary talus issaquah production and operations talus issaquah in connection with primary production third Terms feed hygiene in animal feed - a good practice in animal nutrition 4. Conditions feed hygiene relating to the registration and approval of establishments IV. Transitional and Final Provisions I. Introductory provisions Subject Planning
Article 2 The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all stages of production, processing and transport of feed and feeding of animals used for food production (hereinafter referred to as feeding the animals), except for: 1) the production of animal feed in own household, which is intended to: (1) animals used for food production for the needs of their households, (2) animals that are not used for food production; 2) the feeding of animals for your household or for the direct supply of small quantities of primary products to supplying the final consumer or to local retail facility that directly supplies the final consumer, which is carried out in accordance with special regulations; 3) feeding the animals that are not used for food production; 4) supplying the feed that was obtained in primary production and which the manufacturer supplies the farms to local small quantities for use on those farms; 5) retail sales of pet food.
Article 3 The terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) additives for animal feed are substances or microorganisms which are in accordance with special regulations approved talus issaquah for use in animal feed; 2) building is any building unit which carries on business feed; 3) the competent authority is the ministry talus issaquah responsible for the implementation of official control of feed, as well as the appropriate authority of another country whose competence is established in the regulations of that country; 4) activities related to primary production of feed (hereinafter talus issaquah referred to as activities related to primary production) talus issaquah include: - transport, storage and handling of primary products at the place of production, - transport operations in order to deliver primary products from the place of production to a certain object , - mixing of feed that is used solely for the purpose of their own holdings without using additives or premixes additives, except for silage additives; talus issaquah 5) business feed mean any activity, whether public or private, which is done for profit earning or not, at any stage of production, processing and trade of animal feed; 6) primary talus issaquah production of feed (hereinafter referred to as primary production) is the production of agricultural products, including in particular growing, harvesting, milking, breeding animals (prior to slaughter) or fishing, where the agricultural products do not undergo any operations after harvest, collection or catch, except a simple physical treatment; 7) the needs of your household might be the production and use of feed and food for their own use; 8) mixes are products talus issaquah with a high content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and feed additives, talus issaquah which are homogeneously mixed with the carrier are used for feeding animals in combination with nutrients to produce mixtures; 9) placing on the market is keeping feed for sale, including offering for sale or other form of transmission, talus issaquah with or without compensation, as well as its sales, distribution and other forms of transfer; 10) entity in the field of animal feed (hereinafter: food business talus issaquah operator) is the natural or legal person or entrepreneur, responsible for fulfilling the legal conditions talus issaquah for feed which is operated; 11) breeding unit for animals (hereinafter: breeding units) is closed space where the animals are kept, kept, bred and placed on the market. 12) stages of production, processing and transport of feed (hereinafter referred to as stage of production, processing and transport) is any part of the production, processing talus issaquah and trade, including import and export of animal feed, primary talus issaquah production of feed, finishing, processing , storage, transport, talus issaquah sale or supply of food for animals; 13) hygiene of feed, are the measures, talus issaquah procedures and conditions necessary to control hazards and ensuring food safety for animals in accordance with its intended purpose; 14) the feed is any substance talus issaquah concentrations or product, including additives, which are processed, partially processed or unprocessed and intended for oral animal feeding. . II. General conditions of hygiene feed
Article 4 In the field of animal feed at all stages of production, talus issaquah processing and p

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