Table of Contents I. General gianni cuperlo Provisions II. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures 1. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures using the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice 1.1. Production 1.2. Quality control 1.3. Storage and transport 1.4. Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices 2. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures apply the principles of good hygiene practice 3. Conditions for the assessment procedures by the principle of self-control HACCP 4. Keep the documentation III. Final Provisions I. General Provisions Article 1 This Rulebook shall prescribe the conditions for the assessment of self-control gianni cuperlo procedures that subject in the field of animal feed used in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing and hygiene practices and HACCP. Article 2 The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to: 1) feed production in households that do not enter the food chain; 2) the production of food for animals not used for food production; 3) production of feed for farm supply local small amounts of feed; 4) production of feed on the farm for their own needs; 5) pet food. Article 3 The terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) additives for animal gianni cuperlo feed are approved substances or microorganisms used in foods for animals and affect its nutritional properties; 2) mixes are products with a high content gianni cuperlo of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and feed additives, which are homogeneously mixed with the carrier are used for feeding animals in combination with nutrients to produce mixtures; 3) Good Manufacturing gianni cuperlo Practice in the food business for animals (hereinafter referred to as Good Manufacturing Practice) is part of a quality assurance system that achieves to feed consistently and continuously produce and check the appropriate quality standards in accordance with its intended purpose; 4) good hygiene practice is a set of measures and conditions necessary to control hazards and to make the necessary hygienic conditions during feed production. . II. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures
Article 4. The operator feed in the assessment of self-control procedures in the field of animal feed applies the principles of good manufacturing and hygiene practices and HACCP, under the conditions established by this Ordinance and other regulations on animal feed. . 1. Conditions for the assessment of self-control procedures by applying the principles of good manufacturing practice
Article 5 The operator of feed must ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution of food for animals taking place in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing practice. Food business operator for animals used for food production take measures, adopt and apply the prescribed procedures to the risks of biological, chemical and physical contamination of feed down to the smallest possible part. Article 6 The operator gianni cuperlo of feed during mixing the feed with the use of supplements or premixes, supplements except for silage, acting in accordance with this Rule. The operator of feed used and use feed only from establishments which are registered or approved, gianni cuperlo in accordance with special regulations. . 1.1. Production
Article 7 In the production of animal feed (hereinafter referred to as production) food business operator for animals must have the permanent employee who is responsible for the implementation of good manufacturing practice. The subject gianni cuperlo in the field of animal feed, shall be required to introduce and implement documented procedures based on hazard analysis, control and critical control points, in accordance with Article 19 of these Regulations. In order to prevent or eliminate the harmful effects of a phenomenon of cross-contamination and errors in production, take the technical and organizational measures, in accordance gianni cuperlo with special regulations. gianni cuperlo During production must be provided a sufficient number of adequate resources for the implementation of control. The operator feed monitor the presence of prohibited and undesirable substances in animal feed and other contaminants that affect human and animal health, and must be introduced and appropriate control strategies to reduce the level of risk. The production must isolate and identify waste and materials which are not suitable to be used as animal feed. All materials containing risk amount of veterinary drugs, contaminants gianni cuperlo and other hazards must be disposed of properly and may not be used as animal feed. The subject in the field of animal feed must, at all stages of production, ensure traceability so as to identify each entity from which procures and supplies which continue to feed or any substance that is being installed or are expected to be incorporated into the feed. The subject in the field of animal feed must establish a system gianni cuperlo and procedures, which ensure the availability of data
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