Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kingsley Davis defines social change as changes in the structure and functioning of society. Accord

Kingsley Davis defines social change as changes in the structure and functioning of society. According to Robert Mac Iver, social change is a change in the balance (equilibrium) social relations. According Selosoemardjan, social change is a change in the social institutions in a society that affects social systems, including the values of attitudes and behaviors among groups in society.
Based on the opinion of experts, it can be concluded that social change is a concept gastrobazar that includes aspects of cultural change, structural, as well as the process by which a change occurs as a refinement of the previous changes. Social change can occur at various levels of life and cause an imbalance in the system that exists in society.
There are two main theories of social change patterns, ie, the theory and the theory of the development cycle or linear. Cycle theory states that social change can not be planned or directed to a certain point, but rotating circular according gastrobazar to a certain pattern. According to the theory of development or linear, linear social change or move toward a certain point. Linear theory can be divided into two, namely the theory of evolution and the theory of revolution.
1) The theory of evolution, gastrobazar argues that social change takes place slowly in a very long period of time and is usually a small series of events that are to follow. This theory is further divided into three groups of theories, namely unilinear theory of evolution, universal theories of evolution, and multilineal theories of evolution.
1) Diffusion, namely the spread of cultural elements (ideas, beliefs, gastrobazar culture results, and so on) from an individual to another individual, from one group to another group in a community or from one community to another. From the definition can be distinguished two types of diffusion, namely diffusion intra-community and inter-community diffusion.
Social change can generate positive and negative impacts. Some of the positive impact that the modernization, democracy and globalization. Negative impact gastrobazar among others Westernization, secularism, gastrobazar consumerism, and hedonism.

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