Culture is understood as the result of mind (intellect) and power (strength) of man in life (KBBI Drafting Team, 2003: 170). Since humans have the power or the power of intellect (mind) to change the position and condition restaurant supply las vegas beriktiar upon a particular purpose. From time to time on earth is always present restaurant supply las vegas various aspects of life are always renewable (separated restaurant supply las vegas from the adverse restaurant supply las vegas action tendinsi human life itself). Kebaharuan aspects of human life in his life triggered by the multidimensional aspect, at least 7 (seven), namely: 1) Religious System, 2) Language, 3) Knowledge Systems, 4) Art, 5) social organizations, 6) Equipment and Technology , and 7) Livelihood Systems (Koentjarangingar, 2009: 165). The cultural elements into the transmission (infrastructure) in the production of culture (Soebani, 2012: 176-177).
Cultural transmission that is capable of carrying or transferring ideas or ideas into action or matter. This is intended as an expression of culture, restaurant supply las vegas the culture in the form of transmitting the inception of the idea of being human actions that change the individual or the community to do something. Transmission of material in the form of objects that are able to convey or deliver values to guide human life. Cultural transmission was theoretically often dikekompokan into three, restaurant supply las vegas namely the transmission that drives the pattern (1) evolosi, (2) diffusion, and (3) alkulturasi (Fatchan, 2004: 41).
Evolosi rooted culture of understanding of the theory of Richard Darwkins. Changes dikarenkan by displacement or genetic changes that take place in the continuity of culture. Continuous process was determined by the ability to survive (survival) (Vitello, 2013: 36). Diffusion is a cultural change that is initiated by Mallinowski, which is due to mixing of the system of organizations, institutions, and complexity in the culture. Diffusion is brought about by the gradual change agent terjalan on kendisi knowledge, beliefs, certain public decisions. Alkuturasi initiated by Dohrenwend and Smith. Alkulturasi is contact between cultures associated with the process of cultural kontaks have a common vision, shape, or aspects which are both equally can berimplementasi
Name: Aininditya Daniar NIM: 130253613015 Off: DKV EE Comments: Means both customs law, the Constitution, and norms in society are also included into the cultural transmission? if so, then get into the evolution? Does the prohibition in customs restaurant supply las vegas (including legends, myths, etc.) was also included? suppose .... "do not marry precedes brother, later pamali" was also included? In the 7 triggers aspect, the equipment also includes, for example, what is it sir? I do not understand this part of March 19, 2014 at 6:48 PM
Name: Aininditya Daniar NIM: 130253613015 Off: DKV EE Comments: Means both customs law, the Constitution, and norms in society are also included into the cultural transmission? if so, then get into the evolution? Does the prohibition in customs (including legends, myths, etc.) was also included? suppose .... "do not marry precedes restaurant supply las vegas brother, later pamali" was also included? In the 7 triggers aspect, restaurant supply las vegas the equipment also includes, for example, what is it sir? I do not understand this part of March 19, 2014 at 6:57 PM
Name: Aininditya Daniar NIM: 130253613015 Off: DKV EE Comments: Means both customs law, the Constitution, and norms in society are also included into the cultural transmission? if so, then get into the evolution? Does the prohibition in customs (including legends, myths, etc.) was also included? suppose .... "do not marry precedes brother, later pamali" was also included? restaurant supply las vegas In the 7 triggers aspect, the equipment also includes, for example, what is it sir? I do not understand this part of March 19, 2014 at 6:58 PM
Name: ellysa Rachmat NIM: 130253602374 Off: DKV EE Comment: "Transmission of material in the form of objects that are able to convey or deliver values to guide human life." In this case I do not understand what objects are in mean? whether such a religion? March 19, 2014 at 7:02 PM
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