Monday, March 16, 2015

Stimulus diffusion is a form of diffusion that occurs due to the spread of culture in a row. Exampl

Diffusion is the process of cultural dissemination through the displacement of nations. Culture spread due to be carried away by the nations who perform the migration. Thus the process of cultural dissemination occurs through geographical events. According Koentjaraningrat, diffusion is the process of breeding and dispersal or migration movements are accompanied by the adjustment process or the physical and socio-cultural adaptation of human beings within a period of hundreds of thousands of years since the ancient times. In other words, diffusion is a process of deployment of elements of culture throughout the world. restaurant supply tulsa Deployment process in line with the spread of human culture on earth. This diffusion process can also occur without restaurant supply tulsa any displacement of families from one place to another, for example in the presence of certain individuals who bring cultural elements to far sekali.Bentuk other diffusion may be the spread of cultural elements are based on meetings between individuals in a group humans with other groups. The spread of cultural elements through neighboring individual group meetings. Under the process, the diffusion can be classified into several forms. Such forms among others, symbiotic relationship, restaurant supply tulsa relationship pacifique penetration and diffusion stimulus.
Symbiotic relationships occur is hardly changing cultural elements possessed. Examples restaurant supply tulsa of barter relationships that occur during the centuries between Negrito African tribal groups. African tribes provide agricultural products, and Negrito groups provide hunting and forest products. As long as the relationship of each tribal culture has not changed.
Penetration pacifique restaurant supply tulsa is the inclusion elements of culture in the absence of coercion. Examples restaurant supply tulsa ever happened is an element restaurant supply tulsa of culture that was brought in by traders from India to Indonesia. Ramayana and Mahabharata one of which is obtained through public trading activity India to Indonesia. The entry of these cultural elements occur accidentally restaurant supply tulsa into the culture of the local population.
Stimulus diffusion is a form of diffusion that occurs due to the spread of culture in a row. Example A meets B tribes diffusion, diffusion B meets C, C met D diffusion, and so on.
Diffusion process has lasted a very long time. Experts argue that the ancient humans have made the process of diffusion. According to paleoanthropology, estimated humans first appeared in the tropical savanna areas of East Africa, then spread to almost the entire surface of the earth that have different seasons. This dispersion to form a culture that they have today. In this process they undertake physical and cultural adaptation.
The transfer process is done by automated migration and migasi slow and fast and sudden. Slow and automatic migration is the movement that occurs along with the development of man on earth. Humans evolved and need other places to perform the migration. The migration brought along their culture. restaurant supply tulsa Thus, the culture also spread restaurant supply tulsa over the earth's surface along with the spread of humans to look for a place to stay and live.
The rapid and sudden migration is migration caused by outbreaks, natural restaurant supply tulsa disasters, wars, changes lives and livelihoods so forth. Given these events, human conduct quick migration restaurant supply tulsa to another place better and comfortable.
Enculturation is an individual learn and adjust the minds and attitudes to custom, the system of norms, and regulations in its cultural life. Discussed a word enculturation in Indonesia also means "civilizing". Individual alone in his life too often imitate and cultivate various actions after feeling and cultural values that will motivate that mimic the action has been internalized in his personality.
Inculturation is action or movement mengkulturasikan back (reconstruct) the original culture / indigenous or more often called indigenization the origin restaurant supply tulsa he is indigenous (native / indigenous).
Syncretism is mixing elements of the old culture with new cultural elements to form a new culture system. For example, a mixture of traditional religious system in the Java community and Hindu-Buddhist teachings with elements of the teachings of Islam which produces Javanese belief system. This term can refer to the effort to join in and do an analogy on several characteristics restaurant supply tulsa of tradition, especially restaurant supply tulsa in theology and religious mythology, and thus confirms an underlying unity of approach allows to apply inclusive in other religions. Syncretism also occur commonly in literature,

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