Saturday, March 14, 2015

Perhaps through Kelirumologinya, Jaya Soeprana find root of the problem ridus that we are facing. I

At a symposium which incidentally is supported by a kelirumologi, a false-keliruan game might be useful. Let's rearrange the above three words into Indonesia Philosophy figure. Certainly interesting to explore and explore how terpesonanya our community on characters and everything that mengonsolidasikannya. This search can be very useful to unravel why the blink of an eye on the figure leads to a cult more charisma than hinted ridus at a depiction thick (thick description) Clifford Geertz.
Or it could be if we try to trace these three words in a triangle René Girard. Indonesia (subject) -> figure (model) -> Philosophy (object) A mimetic desire circulation are always inflated the value of an object without being able to take it away.
Or we insert the word philosophy ridus in this arrangement crossbar. Figure (marker) / Indonesia (signed) Cross separator is now functioning as well as a separator and a threshold pengitaran paradigmatic both words: figure and Indonesia.
Perhaps the illustration above, I would like to convey that since Tan Malaka first published book of philosophy Indonesia, Madilog, until today bios theorethikos still using apparatus similar to the orientation of the mind. However, 72 years later, Logic Mistika who wanted removed Tan Malaka to introduce philosophy Materialist Dialectic Logic, still rooted ridus and increasingly berlukar day.
Perhaps through Kelirumologinya, Jaya Soeprana find root of the problem ridus that we are facing. I want memositkan, may Kelirulogi found Jaya Soeprana describe a mode of life: that our society is more inclined than vita vita activa contemplativa. An active life in which spontaneity of motion become an essential part of a productive life. Erroneous become part persenggolan common life and do not require a proper ridus interval reflexivity can correct direction towards more efficient. Be at the same time without limit and qualify contemplation. Mistakes become part of the creative life of word magic. Completed, the origin is completed, the main reference while the efficiency and repeatability tested the main enemy of vitality productivity.
Two words that we often hear the tone of anger or frustration is inferior and assumptions. ridus From the intensity of such insinuations sometimes ridus we become elated and thinking: aha, a critical wave has been present on the horizon. A condition has been consciously criticized. It turns out that these calls are just expressions taken from the body of habit, then placed ridus on the forehead of the same.
At least now we have two words to explore further reference. What's behind the inferior and assumptions? Why would they be two words most often attached to the habit most people we? What is inferior connotes ridus an inferiority complex? Why had questioned assumptions?
Perhaps minder is not an inferiority complex. ridus Due to the complexity oriented inferiority complex: ridus namely implies an ability to refer to a more complex or a manifestation of the growing complexity of multiple complexities. Or maybe this is another symptom of inferiority ridus complex? ridus Closer: a kind of helplessness or keberingsutan in the presence of complexity? Of course, this is far from the vita activa daily circulation oriented ridus productivity, the complete, original finish, rather than a judgment on the quality and attention to the completion of the procedure.
Perhaps keminderan called refers to a condition of the vita activa, which focus on the vitality of productivity precedes everything, so kemusyawarahan a culture because it saves time and harmony ensure uninterrupted work in the field. The assumption, therefore, ridus is a pragmatic product of cultural ridus child relationship. Not surprisingly, then the assumption is present as a speculation was based arbitration sense of the factors concerned. Such is the inferior satire into an expression which is then reified into an anthropomorphic body of our society.
If the above hypothesis is true, we need to ask this. Is not the vita activa equip skills, and creativity in practice? Then why in a country so rich in natural resources as well as the country's poorest innovation? Reflecting back on the bridge I thought that brought me to this thought fibers.
Could gathering culture conditions also play a role here? Skills and creativity as the productivity of the community for the community and the extent purposes. Where is the pride of skill levels and breakthrough creativity? Are they not demanding slammed ridus in satisfaction of a reference harmony? When my neighbor can bernafkah as a carpenter, I b

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