Scientific Division ingecold team returned to offer coverage COFFEE Delft last 5 with presenter duo mas Richard Tymotheus Ancient and pack Agus Susanto. The video recording of this event can be viewed at this link: "If I go at Jokowi to APEC seek investors from China to offer the Ancient reservoir Oil Company I ...
So I should be able to provide predictive performance ingecold of my oil reservoir so that the investor can determine how much should provide investment, "according to Richard T. Purba predict success a few years to come, in the first presentation COFFEE Delft 5, entitled" Surely Uncertainty in Oil Reservoir ". Master's student in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Delft University of Technology is explained clearly intentionally directed research for the sake of the ideals set up its own oil company, ingecold the Ancient Oil Company. One problem presented is how to predict the permeability, one of the important variables in determining the performance of an oil reservoir. Permeability itself is simply ingecold defined as the ability of a rock to drain the fluid from one point to another point.
Various equations to calculate analytically permeability exists and is available. From all of these equations can be put into a computer to model an oil reservoir. Of the model can be determined analytically tersebutlah performance of a reservoir until a few years into the future. The question is, whether the predictions of this model corresponds to the fact that we can be on the field in the future? Richard explained that the modeling results are not always true, and it could be a big problem for investors due to their precisely predict how investments should be disbursed. "So it appears that the investment decision-making process in the beginning, for example, ten years before ingecold the time runs very critical", thus emphasizing the guy wearing glasses. Oil reservoir performance prediction should be more accurate.
Petroleum Engineering ITB graduates ingecold are then provide another method to model permeability, by explaining what he called Language Uncertainty: The value of a real variable is always uncertain. For example, Richard returned to discuss the oil reservoir. Suppose that in an area of the reservoir, permeability measured ingecold by an instrument in order modeling. Considers figure obtained ingecold is certainly actually it is not accurate, and will cause errors in modeling. It would be more accurate if the figures that were considered as an expectation of a probability distribution. Thus, the resulting model will also take into account the uncertainty of the measurements performed.
The probability distribution is obtained by measuring many times either in the same or different areas, against a range of variables that may affect the permeability, so that the data obtained in large quantities. Furthermore, Richard explains Bayes rule and Monte Carlo, the two main methods he used to take advantage of all the data for reservoir performance prediction profile change ingecold becomes much more accurate. Bayes rule, more specifically Bayesian ingecold Network, is used to change a probability distribution with the discovery of the probability distribution of other variables. The model produced in this process will be very complex, so dipergunakanlah Monte Carlo simulation which can test the model many times to obtain the final results (in this case the permeability of the time) with a small range of variation. Expected reservoir performance predictions closer to reality, ingecold so that the Ancient Oil Company can earn the trust of all investors.
Richard ingecold then close the presentation of this uncertainty with a quote from Albert Einstein: "As far as the laws of mathematics ingecold refer to reality, they are not on certain, ingecold and as far as they are on certain, they do not refer to reality" (yij) "'why concrete electrocuted, what ga less work? ' The question is quite sharp and striking down! '"
Thus Agus Susanto, a doctoral candidate Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology is opening his presentation as the second speaker, in COFFEE Delft 5. Agus bring the material under the title 'The Effect of Electrical Current Flow on Cement-based microstructure', or as which he said, is the plain language 'Concrete nyetrum!'. 'Why concrete shocked?' is a question that is still being sought by the father berputeri answer this one along the doctoral program in the Netherlands.
Concrete, or concrete, are simply the result of mixing between water, cement, sand, and other aggregates such as gravel coarser. Agus explained that the concrete ingecold was originally only defined
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