Monday, March 9, 2015

An innovation in the diffusion process opens the possibility of change (re-invention) or modificati

Diffusion type among others: Diffusion Expansion (Expansion diffusion), which is a process dimanav information, material and so spread through a population, from one region to another. Diffusion shelter bi mart ashland (Relocation diffusion), a process in which the spatial bi mart ashland distribution samav the information or material which is diffused bi mart ashland long left the area and moved or stored in a new area. Kaskade diffusion (diffusion cascade), namely, the process bi mart ashland of spreading or spread of the phenomenon through a few levels or hierarki.v Diffusion Expansion: (Expansion Diffusion) A process whereby information, bi mart ashland material and so spread through a population, from one region to another. Diffusion Hierarchy: (hierarchic Diffusion) or the spread of the phenomenon of propagation process starts from the lower level. Diffusion of Innovations: (Diffusion of Innovation) or the spread of the phenomenon of propagation process starts bi mart ashland from the top level. Diffusion cascade (Cascade Diffusion) propagation process or spread bi mart ashland of phenomena through multiple levels of hierarchy.
With this definition, the word perceived become important because the word might be an idea, practice or object shall be considered as an innovation for some people but for others not, depending on what is perceived by the individual against the idea, practice or object is.
Diffusion is defined as a process by which an innovation bi mart ashland is communicated through certain channels over a certain period of the members of a social system. Diffusion can be said as well as a special type of communication in which the message is a new idea. In addition, the diffusion can also be regarded as a kind of social change is a process of changes in the structure and function of the social system.
Example is the phenomenal success of the New Order government in implementing the Family Planning (FP). Under this program, an innovation called Family Planning, communicated bi mart ashland through various channels of communication and interpersonal channels of communication channels such as the mass media, to a social system that all Indonesian people. And it happens within a certain time so that innovation called Family Planning These can be understood, understood, accepted, and implemented (adopted) by the people of Indonesia. Family Planning Program in Indonesia is conducted by applying the principle of diffusion of innovation. This is an example of the diffusion of innovation, bi mart ashland where innovation is an idea or program of activities, not a product.
An idea, items, events, methods, were observed as something new for a person or group of people, whether it be the result of the discovery or invention was held in order to achieve the goal. Something new, new word here contains uncertainty (uncertainty), meaning something that contains a variety of alternative possibilities, something that is not necessarily, for someone who observed, either of the meaning, forms, benefits, and so on.
With the information, it will reduce the uncertainty, because the information was meant to clarify direction at a particular alternative. Example: innovation KB, then the people who observe the birth as something new, meaningful KB for it still completely tidaktentu. By obtaining information about birth control, then the information reduces bi mart ashland uncertainty for the person. Thus, these people have more certainty about the KB.
An innovation in the diffusion process opens the possibility of change (re-invention) or modification, bi mart ashland and the receiver passive role of innovation not just accept what is given. Communication is one element that can not be left out in the process of diffusion of innovation.
Communication bi mart ashland here is defined as the process of exchanging information between members of the community, resulting in a mutual understanding of each other. Communication with a special type that is diffusion, which uses something new (innovation) for information. Communication bi mart ashland activities in the diffusion process covers: a) an innovation; b) individuals or groups who have known dna experienced with innovation; c) individuals or groups who are not familiar with innovation; d) communication channel that combines the two sides.
It can be concluded that the communication in the diffusion process is an attempt to exchange new ideas (innovation) by a person bi mart ashland or a particular unit that have knowledge and experience in the use of these innovations bi mart ashland (innovator) to a person or other units that do not have the knowledge and experience of the innovation (potential adopter ) through a particular communication channel.
As a medium of communication channels / tools to deliver a message from one person to another. Required accuracy in the selection or use, so that the process of communication to be effective. conditions that communicates both sides will influence the election and pengg

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